Section 2.50.250. Contributions.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A person receiving a contribution shall report as required in the applicable provisions of AS 15.13.040 and 2 AAC 50.321.  
    	(b)  If a person that is not prohibited from contributing to a campaign under AS 15.13.074 makes a non-monetary contribution, the amount to be reported under 2 AAC 50.250 - 2 AAC 50.405 is,  
    		(1) for goods or services for which a contributor usually charges,  
    			(A) the normal market charge for an item or service provided without charge;  
    			(B) the difference between the normal market charge and the amount charged for an item or service provided at less than the normal market charge; except as provided in (c) of this section, a reduction in a business's charge for goods and services is a contribution prohibited by AS 15.13.074(f) unless the same reduction in the business's charges is available to all campaigns;  
    		(2) for goods or products provided to a campaign as a result of the services of an individual who volunteers a portion or all of that individual's time without compensation, the cost of any material or supplies used in producing the goods, but not the value of equipment that the volunteer owns personally and uses in the course of the volunteered services;  
    		(3) for a travel-related service or accommodation provided to a campaign,  
    			(A) if the contributor pays another person for the travel-related service or accommodation, the actual cost of the travel-related service or accommodation; or  
    			(B) if the contributor does not pay another person for the travel-related service or accommodation,  
    				(i) the commercial rate for a comparable travel-related service or accommodation including, for air travel, an unrestricted, non-discounted first-class fare, or if first-class commercial travel is unavailable, an unrestricted, non-discounted coach-class fare, or if commercial travel to the particular destination is unavailable, a charter rate for a comparable aircraft; or  
    				(ii) the value of the contributed travel-related service or accommodation based on any other commercially reasonable method of determining the cost;  
    		(4) for a bulk mailing permit donated or loaned to a campaign,  
    			(A) the value of the permit; or  
    			(B) the actual savings to the campaign computed on the basis of the normal postage rate minus the bulk mailing rate for each mailed item.  
    	(c)  A contribution from a sole proprietorship is not prohibited under AS 15.13.074(f), but must be  
    		(1) identified as a contribution by the owner of the sole proprietorship; and  
    		(2) included in the amount of the individual's contributions limited by AS 15.13.070.  
    	(d)  Notwithstanding (b)(1) of this section, services are not a contribution if an individual who volunteers the individual's own time without compensation provides those services to a political party, a candidate, or a group organized for the principal purpose of influencing the outcome of a ballot proposition election or for the principal purpose of filing an initiative proposal application.  
    	(e)  Except as provided in 2 AAC 50.254(c), a loan or loan guarantee is a contribution from a lender, co-signer, or guarantor at the time it is made and may not exceed the contribution limitations of AS 15.13.070, whether or not it is repaid. If a loan is guaranteed by more than one person, each co-signer or guarantor is considered to have contributed any portion of the total amount that the co-signer or guarantor agreed to guarantee in an oral or written agreement. If no oral or written agreement is made, each co-signer or guarantor is considered to have contributed a share equal to the total of the loan divided by the number of co-signers or guarantors.  
    	(f)  Credit extended to a candidate, group, or nongroup entity for a length of time beyond normal business practice is a contribution by the person extending the credit, unless the creditor makes a commercially reasonable attempt to collect the debt using the methods and persistence that the creditor ordinarily uses in a collection effort for a debt unrelated to a campaign.  
    	(g)  A contribution to a subordinate unit of a political party is a contribution to the political party.  




AS 15.13.030 AS 15.13.040 AS 15.13.070 AS 15.13.078 AS 15.13.400 Editor's note: Forms and instructions for filing campaign disclosure reports and other forms required to comply with 2 AAC 50 can be obtained at each office of the Alaska Public Offices Commission, or online at the commission's website. The commission's offices are at 2221 E. Northern Lights Blvd., Room 128, Anchorage, AK 99508, and at 240 Main St. #500, PO Box 110222, Juneau, AK 99811. The commission's telephone numbers are: Anchorage (907) 276-4176; Juneau (907) 465-4864; Toll-Free 1-800-478-4176. The commission's Internet address is
Eff. 1/1/2001, Register 156; am 2/20/2005, Register 173; am 12/22/2011, Register 200

