Section 2.91.090. Instruction vehicle identification.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A motor vehicle or commercial motor vehicle used by a driver training school for instruction purposes must display on the vehicle a sign as described in this section.  
    	(b)  A sign required under this section must  
    		(1) include lettering and background colors that contrast to ensure that the sign is clearly readable at 100 feet in clear daylight;  
    		(2) be at least 20 inches wide and at least 20 inches high;  
    		(3) be mounted above the upper extremities of the rear bumper in a vertical position and have the words "Student Driver," "Instruction Car," or "Instruction Truck" at the top of the sign in legible English letters that are at least two and one-half inches high;  
    		(4) display the name, street address, and phone number of the school in legible characters at least one inch high.  





2 AAC 91.160
AS 28.17.041
Eff. 7/1/2006, Register 178