Section 20.18.050. Funding priority.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The commission staff may not certify an applicant for the PSE program until the commission determines the amount available to fund PSE loan applications for the school year.  
    	(b)  If money made available under AS 14.42.210(a) is not sufficient to offer PSE loans to all applicants who are eligible for certification, the commission will award PSE loans in the following order of priority:  
    		(1) all continuing students in all fields;  
    		(2) one new PSE applicant in each field determined through a cooperative ranking by participating schools as conducted by WICHE staff;  
    		(3) remaining new PSE applicants in fields ranked according to a weighting system approved by the commission based on criteria established in 20 AAC 18.007; and  
    		(4) alternate PSE applicants based on the ranking system set out in (2) and (3) of this subsection.  




AS 14.44.035 AS 14.44.040
Eff. 1/18/81, Register 77; am 11/8/2000, Register 156