Section 20.18.990. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • As used in AS 14.44.010 - AS 14.44.035 and this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise,  
    		(1) "alternate PSE applicant" means an eligible applicant for certification who applies after the deadline set for applications for WICHE certification;  
    		(2) "certification" means the certification given by this state that a PSE applicant meets all requirements for participation in the PSE program and will receive support from the state to attend an eligible degree program at a participating school;  
    		(3) "commission" means the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education;  
    		(4) "cosigner" means a person who cosigns a loan under 20 AAC 18.025(d);  
    		(5) "eligible degree program" means a professional level or graduate level degree program in a field of study that meets the requirements of 20 AAC 18.007;  
    		(6) "full-time" means enrollment in a combination of courses, work experience, research, or special studies that the school considers full-time study for a graduate or professional degree;  
    		(7) "participating school" means an accredited institution that has agreed under WICHE to enroll students in eligible degree programs;  
    		(8) "PSE" or "PSE program" means the Professional Student Exchange Program of WICHE;  
    		(9) "support fee" means the amount established by WICHE as a required fee for a student's participation in an eligible degree program, and transmitted from the commission through WICHE to the school on behalf of each PSE student enrolled; the support fee is the principal amount of the loan provided to the student;  
    		(10) "WICHE" means the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.   




AS 14.44.025 AS 14.44.035 AS 14.44.040
Eff. 11/8/2000, Register 156