Section 20.25.070. Records and reports.  

Latest version.
  • The operator of a well shall  
    		(1) keep a detailed accurate daily record of the actual drilling, completion, workover, repair, and plugging operations, and of the tests required by this chapter; the daily record must be available for inspection at reasonable times by the commission  
    			(A) at the well; and  
    			(B) in the state for five years after the date of well abandonment;  
    		(2) file with the commission before well completion or, if the well is not completed, before well abandonment a survey plat certified by a registered land surveyor showing the precise surface location of the well; however, only the first well drilled from a fixed platform or a multiple-well location must have a certified survey;  
    		(3) file with the commission, within 30 days after completion, abandonment, or suspension of the well and within 30 days after completion or plugging of a well branch, if occurring at a different time, a complete well record on the Well Completion or Recompletion Report and Log (Form 10-407), including the tests required by this chapter and a summary of daily well operations reporting drilling depths, abnormally geo-pressured strata, lost circulation and other hole difficulties encountered, simulated kick drills, mud weight, and a brief description of principal items of work done, such as running and cementing casing, drill stem tests, BOP tests, coring, sidewall sampling, and logging; in the case of a well with multiple well branches, information pertaining to and filed under this paragraph with respect to a portion of a well need not be re-filed unless changed; and  
    		(4) upon request of the commission after completion, abandonment, or suspension of the well or completion or plugging of a well branch, file with the commission a copy of the daily record required by (1) of this section.  


