Section 20.25.071. Geologic data and logs.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An operator shall log the portion of the well below the conductor pipe by either a complete electrical log or a complete radio-activity log unless the commission specifies which type of log is to be run.  
    	(b)  Within 30 days after completion, suspension, or abandonment of a well, whichever occurs first, and within 30 days after completion or plugging of a well branch, if occurring at a different time, the operator shall file with the commission, unless previously filed,  
    		(1) a sepia and a reproduced copy of a complete mud log or a lithology log consisting of a detailed record and description of the sequence of strata encountered, including the kind and character of the rock and all shows of hydrocarbons; an electronic image file in a format acceptable to the commission may be substituted for the sepia;  
    		(2) a complete set of washed and dried, legibly identified samples of all drill cuttings, as caught by the operator in accordance with good geological practices, consisting of a minimum of one-quarter cup in volume or three ounces in weight of cuttings for each sample interval;  
    		(3) a lithologic description and, if available, photographs of each conventional and sidewall core; conventional core descriptions must include apparent textural, fluid, and lithologic variations, including rock type, porosity, fractures, bedding plane attitudes, sedimentary structure, grain size, and presence of hydrocarbons;  
    		(4) chips from each foot of recovered conventional core, except that chips need not be submitted until 30 days after the conventional core is analyzed; the chips must be representative of the one-foot interval, and must be approximately either one cubic inch in volume, or two ounces in weight;  
    		(5) a list of the geologic markers encountered and the measured and true vertical depths of each marker;  
    		(6) a sepia and a reproduced copy of all logs run, including common derivative formats such as tadpole plots of dipmeter data and borehole images produced from sonic or resistivity data, and including composite log formats; however, copies of velocity surveys and experimental logs need not be included; an electronic image file in a format acceptable to the commission may be substituted for the sepia;  
    		(7) a tape, diskette, or other electronic medium acceptable to the commission and a verification listing of the digital data for all logs run, except velocity surveys and experimental logs; the verification listing must include a written description of the logical and physical format of the digital data; and  
    		(8) the following items, or a written request proposing a date for submitting those items, subject to commission approval of that date for timeliness, if those items are unavailable within the 30-day filing period set out in this subsection:  
    			(A) a copy of all drill stem test and production test data and charts;  
    			(B) a brief summary of production tests, drill stem tests, wireline formation tests, and other formation tests performed, including test date, time, depth, duration, method of operation, recovered fluid types, fluid amounts, gas-oil ratio, oil gravity, pressure, and choke size;  
    			(C) conventional and sidewall core analysis determinations, if any, of porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation;  
    			(D) geochemical and formation fluid analyses obtained, if any.  
    	(c)  The commission will, in its discretion, waive or modify the requirements of this section for a well if those requirements would not significantly add to the geologic knowledge of the area in light of the information that is available from other wells in the area.  
    	(d)  In this section  
    		(1) "experimental logs" means logs that are not commercially available from a well logging contractor; and  
    		(2) "velocity survey" means a survey, the primary purpose of which is to determine velocity of seismic waves through formations penetrated by a well by measuring travel times of seismic pulses from or near the surface to geophones placed at various depths in the well.  




AS 31.05.030 AS 31.05.035
Eff. 4/2/86, Register 97; am 11/7/99, Register 152