Section 20.25.200. Production equipment.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Surface production equipment must be installed to control, separate, clean, gather, and carry to the point of custody transfer or other disposition in a safe manner all produced oil, gas, and water. All equipment must be installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with good oil field engineering practices.  
    	(b)  All equipment must be designed and protected to ensure reliable operation under the range of weather conditions expected for the specific location.  
    	(c)  Wellhead equipment must include appropriate gauges and valves installed on the tubing, casing-tubing annulus and casing-casing annuli to show surface pressures and to control the well flow for the range of conditions expected. Other alternatives will, in the commission's discretion, be approved for subsea completions.  
    	(d)  All producing wells capable of unassisted flow must be completed with downhole production equipment consisting of suitable tubing and a packer that effectively isolate the tubing-casing annulus from fluids being produced, unless the commission specifically approves production through the annulus to increase flow rate without jeopardizing ultimate recovery from the well.  




AS 31.05.030 AS 31.05.095
Eff. 4/13/80, Register 74; am 4/2/86, Register 97; am 11/7/99, Register 152