Section 20.25.240. Gas-oil ratio limitations.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  An oil well may not be produced if the gas-oil ratio of the well exceeds the original solution gas-oil ratio of the crude within the producing pool by more than 100 percent.  
    	(b)  Upon written application by an operator, the commission will, in its discretion, waive the limitation in (a) of this section if  
    		(1) an enhanced recovery project operates in the pool from which the well is producing;  
    		(2) produced gas is being returned to the same pool; or  
    		(3) acquisition of pool performance data is necessary to determine an optimum reservoir management program.  
    	(c)  The commission will, in its discretion, grant exceptions to the limitation in (a) of this section for conditions other than those specified in (b) of this section only after application, notice, and an opportunity for public hearing in accordance with 20 AAC 25.540.  




AS 31.05.030 AS 31.05.095
Eff. 4/13/80, Register 74; am 4/2/86, Register 97; am 11/7/99, Register 152