Section 20.25.432. Report of underground injection.  

Latest version.
  • An operator that injects fluids into subsurface strata through a service well for any purpose, other than fracturing, acidizing, or other similar treatment, shall file with the commission  
    		(1) monthly reports that show all injected volumes and other data, by well and pool, as required by the commission on the Monthly Injection Report (Form 10-406) and, if applicable, the Facility Report of Produced Gas Disposition (Form 10-422); and  
    		(2) an annual report that shows annual and total cumulative volumes injected and produced and other data, for each pool or injection project area within the pool, as required by the commission on the Annual Report of Injection Projects (Form 10-413); the annual report must be submitted by April 1 unless pool rules established under 20 AAC 25.520 require the report to be included with a pool-specific annual surveillance report.  




AS 31.05.030
Eff. 4/2/86, Register 97; am 11/7/99, Register 152