Section 20.25.725. Estimated regulatory cost charges for geothermal wells.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Before determining regulatory cost charges for a fiscal year under 20 AAC 25.730 the commission may establish estimated regulatory cost charges for geothermal wells to be paid during the first quarter of the fiscal year. The amount of an estimated regulatory cost charge for geothermal wells is one-fourth of the commission's reasonable estimate, based on information then available, of what the person's total regulatory cost charge for geothermal wells will be for that fiscal year.  
    	(b)  The commission will provide a person subject to an estimated regulatory cost charge for geothermal wells with written notice of the amount of the charge and the payment date. The commission will set a payment date to be at least 20 days after the date of the notice. The person shall pay the estimated regulatory cost charges for geothermal wells by the payment date.  





20 AAC 25.735
AS 41.06.005 AS 41.06.035 AS 41.06.040 AS 41.06.050 AS 41.06.055
Eff. 9/30/2010, Register 195