Section 20.30.040. Review criteria.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The council will evaluate each application for an operating support grant  
    		(1) as set out in the guidelines and application form, adopted by reference in 20 AAC 30.983(1), for an operating support grant, and using the following criteria:  
    			(A) the quality of programs and services;  
    			(B) the financial profile of the applicant;  
    			(C) the applicant's outreach efforts to the community, and the relationship of the applicant and the program with the community;  
    			(D) the applicant's administrative capability; and  
    		(2) if that application is submitted by an Alaska Native arts organization, by applying the Native arts criteria as set out in the guidelines and application form, adopted by reference in 20 AAC 30.983(1), for an operating support grant.  
    	(b)  The council will evaluate an interim request submitted under 20 AAC 30.030(b) based on the grantee's continuing ability to fulfill the terms of the grant award letter executed by the grantee under 20 AAC 30.908. If a grantee is not in compliance with the terms of the grant award letter, the council will, in its discretion, withhold payment of the grant during the second year.  





20 AAC 30.015
AS 44.27.052 Editor's note: Effective 7/1/2011, Register 198, the Alaska State Council on the Arts readopted 20 AAC 30.040 to affirm the validity of that section after statutory amendments made in ch. 30, SLA 2010. The council also amended 20 AAC 30.040(a)(2). Chapter 30, SLA 2010 made explicit the council's authority to adopt regulations consistent with AS 44.27.052(a)(6).
Eff. 2/10/83, Register 85; am 5/23/85, Register 95; am 6/28/98, Register 146; am 9/7/2002, Register 163; am/readopt 7/1/2011, Register 198

