Section 20.30.906. Restrictions on use of grant proceeds.  

Latest version.
  • The council will not approve an application for a grant under 20 AAC 30.010 - 20 AAC 30.639 or 20 AAC 30.802 - 20 AAC 30.832 if the proceeds of the grant would be used for  
    		(1) labor or material cost for building renovation, remodeling, restoration or new construction;  
    		(2) purchase of equipment;  
    		(3) academic scholarship or tuition assistance;  
    		(4) deficits of a completed project;  
    		(5) indirect costs; or  
    		(6) expenses for food or entertainment, excepting per diem for travelers.  




AS 44.27.052 Editor's note: Effective 7/1/2011, Register 198, the Alaska State Council on the Arts readopted 20 AAC 30.906 to affirm the validity of that section after statutory amendments made in ch. 30, SLA 2010. Chapter 30, SLA 2010 made explicit the council's authority to adopt regulations consistent with AS 44.27.052(a)(6).
Eff. 2/10/83, Register 85; am 6/28/98, Register 146; readopt 7/1/2011, Register 198

