Section 20.40.020. Authority consideration and action on budget recommendations.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The board will consider the budget recommendations made to the board under 20 AAC 40.010 in light of the authority's guiding principles adopted by reference in 20 AAC 40.040 and the board's understanding of  
    		(1) the mental health needs of the state; and  
    		(2) current issues affecting beneficiaries.  
    	(b)  When the board considers the budget recommendations submitted under 20 AAC 40.010, the board will determine whether and to what extent those recommendations should be incorporated into the authority's budget recommendations to the governor and legislature. The authority will then finalize its budget recommendations and submit those budget recommendations as required under AS 47.30.046.  




AS 47.30.031 AS 47.30.036 AS 47.30.046 AS 47.30.051 AS 47.30.056
Eff. 10/24/2004, Register 172