Section 20.40.225. Notice of application process for competitive grants.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The authority will give notice of the availability of a competitive grant by  
    		(1) posting on the authority's web site and on the Alaska Online Public Notice System established under AS 44.62.175; and  
    		(2) any other method the authority may consider appropriate for a particular grant.  
    	(b)  In a notice provided under (a) of this section, the authority will include the following information:  
    		(1) the purpose and anticipated amount of the grant;  
    		(2) the categories of recipients that are eligible to apply for the grant;  
    		(3) any special qualifications or criteria that must be met by the successful grantee;  
    		(4) whether the grant is a single or multiple year grant;  
    		(5) as applicable, whether the grant project will be fully paid by the authority or will require that the grantee contribute a portion of the costs of the project from other sources;  
    		(6) the appropriate method and instructions for application;  
    		(7) the deadline by which an applicant must submit an application to be considered for the grant.  




AS 37.14.045 AS 47.30.031 AS 47.30.051 AS 47.30.056 Editor's note: The Internet address for the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority is The Internet address for the Alaska Online Public Notice System is
Eff. 10/24/2004, Register 172; am 5/11/2012, Register 202