Section 23.10.220. Consultation following formal investigation in which a finding is critical of a justice agency or person.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Before presenting an opinion and recommendation in accordance with AS 24.65.160 that is critical of a justice agency or a person as a result of a formal investigation, the victims' advocate will consult with that agency or person as required by AS 24.65.140. An opinion and recommendation that includes a finding by the victims' advocate that a justice agency or person denied a crime victim a right the crime victim is guaranteed under the constitution and laws of this state is a "critical" finding for purposes of this section and AS 24.65.140.  
    	(b)  The consultation required by AS 24.65.140 shall consist of providing the justice agency or person a preliminary report containing the victims' advocate's opinion and recommendations. The consultation may also consist of oral conversations between the victims' advocate and the justice agency or person that is the subject of the investigation. In addition to the confidential treatment of the preliminary opinion and recommendation required by AS 24.65.140, conversations about the preliminary opinion and recommendation between the victims' advocate and the justice agency or person are confidential and may not be disclosed to the public by the agency or person.  





23 AAC 10.230
AS 24.65.090 AS 24.65.140 AS 24.65.150
Eff. 6/27/2004, Register 170