Section 23.10.240. Final report.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Within a reasonable time following receipt and consideration by the victims' advocate of a response or request submitted by a justice agency or person under 23 AAC 10.230 or if a justice agency or person has failed to submit a timely response or request under that section, the victims' advocate will finalize the preliminary report into a final report and provide a copy of it to the justice agency or person who was the subject of the investigation under AS 24.65. In the final report, the victims' advocate will state that the investigation has been concluded.  
    	(b)  The victims' advocate's final report may contain references or summaries, including quotations from testimony of witnesses, or from a response submitted under 23 AAC 10.230 or to any reasons, arguments, and documentary or other evidence submitted to the victims' advocate under 23 AAC 10.230 seeking a modification of a finding or opinion in the preliminary report if a request for modification was submitted. The victims' advocate's final report may contain different and additional findings or opinions not contained in the preliminary report. If such different or additional findings and opinions are also critical of the justice agency or person who is the subject of the formal investigation, the victims' advocate shall consult with the justice agency or person as required by AS 24.65.140.  
    	(c)  In the final report, the victims' advocate may indicate that the subject matter of the investigation has been "rectified" if the victims' advocate determines that, in response to a finding or recommendation presented to the justice agency or person, the justice agency or person has initiated corrective action or commits in reply to the victims' advocate's final report to take corrective action substantially as recommended by the victims' advocate. If a justice agency or person does not initiate corrective action or does not commit to take corrective action substantially as recommended in the victims' advocate's final report, the victims' advocate may comment upon that fact in the final report.  
    	(d)  The justice agency or person receiving the victims' advocate's final report shall provide a reply to the final report as required by 23 AAC 10.250.  




AS 24.65.090 AS 24.65.140 AS 24.65.150 AS 24.65.160
Eff. 6/27/2004, Register 170