Section 3.08.335. Requirements as to proxy.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A proxyholder shall either attend the shareholders' meeting in person or execute a power of substitution so that the shares for which the proxyholder has proxies are represented at the meeting.  
    	(b)  A proxyholder shall vote in accordance with any choices made by the shareholder or in the manner provided by the proxy when the shareholder has not specified a choice.  
    	(c)  The proxy must  
    		(1) indicate that the proxy is solicited on behalf of the board or, if solicited other than by the board, indicate the identity of the persons on whose behalf the solicitation is made;  
    		(2) provide a specifically designated blank space for dating the proxy; and  
    		(3) provide a means for the shareholder to specify by boxes a choice between approval or disapproval of each matter or group of related matters identified in the proxy as intended to be acted upon, other than the election of directors.  
    	(d)  A proxy may confer authority for matters on which a choice is not made by the shareholder if the proxy discloses how the shares represented by the proxy will be voted in each case.  
    	(e)  A proxy that provides for the election of directors must  
    		(1) set out the names of the nominees for whom the proxy is solicited; and  
    		(2) clearly provide one of the following:  
    			(A) a box opposite the name of each nominee which may be marked to indicate that authority to vote for that nominee is withheld;  
    			(B) an instruction that the shareholder may withhold authority to vote for a nominee by lining through or otherwise striking out the name of that nominee;  
    			(C) a "ballot" type of selection in which the shareholder is permitted to award votes to selected nominees of the shareholder's choosing.  
    	(f)  A proxy may confer discretionary authority to vote only with respect to the following:  
    		(1) matters which the persons making the solicitation do not know, a reasonable time before the solicitation, are to be presented at the meeting;  
    		(2) approval of the minutes of the prior meeting if the approval does not amount to ratification of the action taken at that meeting;  
    		(3) the election of a person to an office for which a bona fide nominee is named in the proxy statement and the nominee is unable to serve or for good cause will not serve;  
    		(4) a proposal omitted from the proxy statement and proxy, if solicited for an annual meeting by participants other than the board; or  
    		(5) matters incident to the conduct of the meeting.  
    	(g)  If action is to be taken on the election of directors and if the shareholders have cumulative voting rights, a proxy may confer discretionary authority to cumulate votes.  




AS 45.55.138 AS 45.55.139 AS 45.55.160 AS 45.55.950
Eff. 1/4/81, Register 77; am 11/27/88, Register 108; am 11/3/2013, Register 208