Section 3.100.470. Limited competition procurements.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A contract may be awarded under this section when the chief procurement officer determines in writing that a situation exists that makes competitive sealed bidding or competitive sealed proposals impractical or contrary to the interests of the authority.  
    	(b)  Situations that may justify conducting a limited competition procurement include  
    		(1) procurements that cannot be publicly advertised without compromising the business interests of the authority or its business partners;  
    		(2) procurements that may have been previously solicited by competitive sealed proposals or competitive sealed bids but the authority was unable to award because no responsible and responsive bids or proposals were received and the authority still has an immediate need for the goods or services.  
    	(c)  To determine if two or more sources are interested in a procurement, the authority may provide notice under 3 AAC 100.150 requesting letters of interest in a limited competition procurement.  
    	(d)  Solicitation under this section may be limited to two or more potential contractors that the chief procurement officer determines may be able to provide a response to the solicitation.  
    	(e)  Under this section the procurement officer shall solicit bids or proposals and conduct negotiations, as appropriate, as to price, delivery, and terms, equally with each potential contractor.  




AS 36.30.015 AS 44.88.080
Eff. 9/25/2013, Register 207