Section 3.110.135. Best interests of state.  

Latest version.
  • In determining whether annexation to a city is in the best interests of the state under AS 29.06.040(a), the commission may consider relevant factors, including whether annexation  
    		(1) promotes maximum local self-government, as determined under 3 AAC 110.981;  
    		(2) promotes a minimum number of local government units, as determined under 3 AAC 110.982 and in accordance with art. X, sec. 1, Constitution of the State of Alaska; and  
    		(3) will relieve the state government of the responsibility of providing local services.  




Art. X, sec. 1, Ak Const. Art. X, sec. 5, Ak Const. Art. X, sec. 7, Ak Const. Art. X, sec. 12, Ak Const. AS 29.06.040 AS 44.33.812
Eff. 5/19/2002, Register 162; am 1/9/2008, Register 185