Section 3.149.080. Prohibitions on use of state financial assistance.  

Latest version.
  • State financial assistance under AS 44.33.065(d), and any passive investment income earned from that financial assistance, may not be used  
    		(1) to the disadvantage of a seafood development region not represented by the qualified regional seafood development association;  
    		(2) for price negotiations between fishers and seafood processors; or  
    		(3) to pay expenses associated with lobbying a municipality or an agency of a municipality, or with lobbying the state or an agency of the state; for purposes of this paragraph,  
    			(A) "lobby a municipality or an agency of a municipality" means to engage in an activity for the purpose of influencing municipal legislative or administrative action if the activity is substantially the same as activity that would have required registration under AS 24.45.121 if the activity was for the purpose of influencing state legislative or administrative action;  
    			(B) "lobby the state or an agency of the state" means to engage in an activity for which registration is required under AS 24.45.121.  




AS 44.33.065
Eff. 2/24/2005, Register 173