Section 3.306.405. Standard marijuana cultivation facility: privileges and prohibited acts.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A licensed standard marijuana cultivation facility is authorized to  
    		(1) propagate, cultivate, harvest, prepare, cure, package, store, and label marijuana;  
    		(2) sell marijuana only to a licensed retail marijuana store, to another licensed marijuana cultivation facility, or to a licensed marijuana product manufacturing facility;  
    		(3) provide samples to a licensed marijuana testing facility for testing;  
    		(4) store inventory on the licensed premises; any stored inventory must be secured in a restricted access area and accounted for in the marijuana cultivation facility's marijuana inventory tracking system as required under 3 AAC 306.730;  
    		(5) transport marijuana in compliance with 3 AAC 306.750;  
    		(6) conduct in-house testing for the marijuana cultivation facility's own use;  
    		(7) provide marijuana samples to a licensed retail marijuana store or marijuana product manufacturing facility for the purpose of negotiating a sale.  
    	(b)  A licensed standard marijuana cultivation facility may also apply for a marijuana product manufacturing facility license and a retail marijuana store license. A standard marijuana cultivation facility that obtains any other marijuana establishment license shall  
    		(1) conduct any product manufacturing or retail marijuana store operation in a room completely separated from the marijuana cultivation facility by a secure door when co-located; and  
    		(2) comply with each provision of this chapter that applies to any other type of marijuana establishment license that the standard marijuana cultivation facility licensee obtains.  
    	(c)  A licensed standard marijuana cultivation facility may not  
    		(1) sell, distribute, or transfer marijuana or a marijuana product to a consumer, with or without compensation;  
    		(2) allow any person, including a licensee, employee, or agent, to consume marijuana or a marijuana product on the licensed premises or within 20 feet of the exterior of any building or outdoor cultivation facility on the licensed premises;   
    		(3) treat or otherwise adulterate marijuana with any organic or nonorganic chemical or other compound to alter the color, appearance, weight, or odor of the marijuana;  
    		(4) except as permitted under a marijuana product manufacturing facility license, extract marijuana concentrate, using any process described in 3 AAC 306.555, at the licensed premises;  
    		(5) sell marijuana that is not packaged and labeled in compliance with 3 AAC 306.470 and 3 AAC 306.475.   


