Section 3.306.460. Samples.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A marijuana cultivation facility may provide a free sample of marijuana to a retail marijuana store if packaged in a sample jar containing not more than three and one-half grams of marijuana and protected by a plastic or metal mesh screen to allow customers to smell the product before purchase.  
    	(b)  A marijuana cultivation facility may provide a free sample of marijuana to a retail marijuana store or marijuana product manufacturing facility as follows:  
    		(1) a sample provided for the purpose of negotiating a sale may be not more than one ounce;  
    		(2) a marijuana cultivation facility may not provide any one licensed retail marijuana store or marijuana product manufacturing facility with more than one ounce of marijuana per month free-of-charge for the purpose of negotiating a sale.  
    	(c)  A retail marijuana store that receives a marijuana sample may not sell the marijuana sample to a customer, and shall either  
    		(1) return the marijuana sample to the marijuana cultivation facility that provided the sample; or  
    		(2) destroy the marijuana sample after use and document the destruction in the retail marijuana store's marijuana inventory control system.  





3 AAC 306.435