Section 3.306.735. Health and safety standards.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A marijuana establishment is subject to inspection by the local fire department, building inspector, or code enforcement officer to confirm that health or safety concerns are not present.  
    	(b)  A marijuana establishment shall take all reasonable measures and precautions to ensure that  
    		(1) any person who has an illness, an open sore or infected wound, or other potential source of infection does not come in contact with marijuana or a marijuana product while the illness or source of infection persists;  
    		(2) the licensed premises have  
    			(A) adequate and readily accessible toilet facilities that are maintained in good repair and sanitary condition; and  
    			(B) convenient handwashing facilities with running water at a suitable temperature; the marijuana establishment shall require employees to wash or sanitize their hands, and shall provide effective hand-cleaning, sanitizing preparations, and drying devices;  
    		(3) each person working in direct contact with marijuana or a marijuana product conforms to good hygienic practices while on duty, including  
    			(A) maintaining adequate personal cleanliness; and  
    			(B) washing hands thoroughly in an adequate hand-washing area before starting work, after using toilet facilities, and at any other time when the person's hands may have become soiled or contaminated;  
    		(4) litter, waste, and rubbish are properly removed; the waste disposal equipment must be maintained and adequate to  
    			(A) avoid contaminating any area where marijuana or any marijuana product is stored, displayed, or sold; and  
    			(B) prevent causing odors or attracting pests;  
    		(5) floors, walls, and ceilings are constructed to allow adequate cleaning, and are kept clean and in good repair;  
    		(6) adequate lighting is installed in any area where marijuana or a marijuana product is stored, displayed, or sold, and where any equipment or utensil is cleaned;  
    		(7) screening or other protection adequately protects against the entry of pests;  
    		(8) each building, fixture, and other facility is maintained in sanitary condition;  
    		(9) each toxic cleaning compound, sanitizing agent, and pesticide chemical is identified and stored in a safe manner to protect against contamination of marijuana or a marijuana product and in compliance with any applicable local, state, or federal law;  
    		(10) adequate sanitation principles are used in receiving, inspecting, transporting, and storing marijuana or a marijuana product; and   
    		(11) marijuana or a marijuana product is held in a manner that prevents the growth of bacteria, microbes, or other undesirable microorganisms.  
    	(c)  A marijuana establishment shall ensure that any marijuana or marijuana product that has been stored beyond its usable life, or was stored improperly, is not salvaged and returned to the marketplace. In this subsection, "stored improperly" means being exposed to extremes in temperature, humidity, smoke, fumes, pressure, or radiation due to a natural disaster, fire, accident, or equipment failure.  
    	(d)  If a marijuana establishment does not have reliable information about the age or storage conditions of marijuana or a marijuana product in its possession, the marijuana establishment may salvage the marijuana only if  
    		(1) a licensed marijuana testing facility determines from quality assurance testing that the marijuana or marijuana product meets all applicable standards of moisture, potency, and contaminants;  
    		(2) inspection of the premises where a disaster or accident occurred shows that the marijuana or marijuana product stored there was not adversely affected by the disaster or accident; and  
    		(3) the marijuana establishment maintains a record of the salvaged marijuana or marijuana product in its marijuana inventory tracking system, including the name, lot number, and final disposition.  


