Section 3.306.740. Waste disposal.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A marijuana establishment shall store, manage, and dispose of any solid or liquid waste, including wastewater generated during marijuana cultivation production, processing, testing, or retail sales, in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances, regulations, and other law  
    	(b)  Marijuana waste must be rendered unusable for any purpose for which it was grown or produced before it leaves a marijuana establishment. Marijuana waste includes  
    		(1) marijuana plant waste, including roots, stalks, leaves, and stems that have not been processed with solvent;  
    		(2) solid marijuana sample plant waste in the possession of a marijuana testing facility; and  
    		(3) other waste as determined by the board.  
    	(c)  A marijuana establishment shall  
    		(1) in the marijuana inventory tracking system required under 3 AAC 306.730, give the board notice not later than three days before making the waste unusable and disposing of it; however, the director may authorize immediate disposal on an emergency basis; and  
    		(2) keep a record of the final destination of marijuana waste made unusable.  
    	(d)  Marijuana plant waste must be made unusable by grinding the marijuana plant waste and mixing it with at least an equal amount of other compostable or non-compostable materials. A marijuana establishment may use another method to make marijuana waste unusable if the board approves the method in advance. Material that may be mixed with the marijuana waste includes  
    		(1) compostable materials including food waste, yard waste, vegetable based grease or oils, or other wastes approved by the board when the mixed material can be used as compost feedstock or in another organic waste method such as an anaerobic digester with approval of any applicable local government entity; or  
    		(2) non-compostable materials including paper waste, cardboard waste, plastic waste, oil, or other wastes approved by the board when the mixed material may be delivered to a permitted solid waste facility, incinerator, or other facility with approval of any applicable local government entity.  
    	(e)  If marijuana or a marijuana product is found by, or surrendered to, a law enforcement officer including a peace officer or an airport security officer, the officer may dispose of the marijuana or marijuana product as provided in this section or by any method that is allowed under any applicable local ordinance.  


