Section 3.306.755. Business records.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A marijuana establishment shall maintain in a format that is readily understood by a reasonably prudent business person  
    		(1) all books and records necessary to fully account for each business transaction conducted under its license for the current year and three preceding calendar years; records for the last six months must be maintained on the marijuana establishment's licensed premises; older records may be archived on or off premises;  
    		(2) a current employee list setting out the full name and marijuana handler permit number of each licensee, employee, and agent who works at the marijuana establishment;  
    		(3) the business contact information for vendors that maintain video surveillance systems and security alarm systems for the licensed premises;  
    		(4) records related to advertising and marketing;  
    		(5) a current diagram of the licensed premises including each restricted access area;  
    		(6) a log recording the name, and date and time of entry of each visitor permitted in a restricted access area;  
    		(7) all records normally retained for tax purposes;  
    		(8) accurate and comprehensive inventory tracking records that account for all marijuana inventory activity from seed or immature plant stage until the retail marijuana or retail marijuana product is sold to a consumer, to another marijuana establishment, or destroyed; and  
    		(9) transportation records for marijuana and marijuana products as required under 3 AAC 306.750(f).  
    	(b)  A marijuana establishment shall provide any record required to be kept on the licensed premises to an employee of the board upon request. Any record kept off premises must be provided to the board's employees not later than three business days after a request for the record.  
    	(c)  A marijuana establishment shall exercise due diligence in preserving and maintaining all required records. Loss of records and data, including electronically maintained records, does not excuse a violation of this section. The board may determine a failure to retain records required under this section to be a license violation affecting public safety.  


