Article 3.48.2. Utility and Pipeline Tariffs.  

Section 3.48.200. Scope of regulations.
Section 3.48.210. Waivers(Repealed).
Section 3.48.220. Filing of tariff.
Section 3.48.230. Billing and contract forms.
Section 3.48.240. Delivery of tariff.
Section 3.48.250. Tariff on file for public inspection.
Section 3.48.260. Public notice of utility tariff inspection privilege.
Section 3.48.270. Advice letters.
Section 3.48.274. Pipeline carrier initial rate filings.
Section 3.48.275. Supporting information.
Section 3.48.277. Uniform system of accounts.
Section 3.48.280. Notice and effective date.
Section 3.48.290. Response to notice.
Section 3.48.300. Waiver of statutory notice.
Section 3.48.310. Suspension and rejection of tariff filings.
Section 3.48.315. Telecommunications utility rate reductions.
Section 3.48.320. Effective tariff controlling.
Section 3.48.330. Format of tariff sheets.
Section 3.48.340. Tariff sheet designation.
Section 3.48.350. Separate tariff for each utility.
Section 3.48.360. General arrangement and content of tariff.
Section 3.48.370. Content of rules and regulations.
Section 3.48.380. Content of rate schedules.
Section 3.48.390. Provisions of special contract.
Section 3.48.400. Adoption notice.
Section 3.48.410. Tariff of acquired utility or pipeline carrier.
Section 3.48.420. Uniform deposit practices.
Section 3.48.425. Depreciation practices for local exchange carriers.
Section 3.48.430. Jurisdictional separations.
Section 3.48.440. Rates for interexchange access.
Section 3.48.442. Delayed implementation of regulatory provisions relating to DEM weighting.