Section 3.48.360. General arrangement and content of tariff.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The first page of each tariff is the title page. It must show the tariff number, the cancelled tariff number when applicable, the exact legal name of the utility or pipeline carrier issuing the tariff, the service or commodity offered, the area or areas to which the tariff applies, the effective date of the sheet, the complete address of the issuing utility or pipeline carrier, and the name, title, and signature of a person authorized to issue the tariff. Whenever a service area is increased or decreased, or when any other information referred to in this section is changed, the title page of the tariff applicable to that area must be revised to reflect the change.  
    	(b)  The second page of each tariff is the index page. It must show the tariff number, the sheet number, the exact legal name of the utility or pipeline carrier issuing the tariff, the effective date of the sheet, the name, title and signature of a person authorized to issue the tariff, and a complete and accurate list of the contents of the tariff. When a new or revised tariff sheet is added, and it is not listed on the currently effective index page, the index page must promptly be revised to reflect the addition and must be filed with the commission, together with the other new or revised pages.  
    	(c)  A map, or set of maps, each of which is eight and one-half inches by 11 inches in size, or not larger than eight and one-half inches by 11 inches when folded, must immediately follow the second page of the tariff, except that larger size maps may be filed separately, provided an appropriate listing of the maps is furnished on the third page of the tariff. The maps furnished by a pipeline carrier must show the pipeline facility or extension, route and the location of each intake and offtake point currently used, and each intake or offtake point which has been constructed but is not currently used. The maps furnished by a utility must clearly delineate the boundaries of  
    		(1) the utility's certificated area or areas, and the principal area and major points actually served under the tariff;  
    		(2) the areas, zones, or districts in which the utility's rate schedules are generally applied.  
    		(3) repealed 6/29/84.  
    	(d)  A complete set of the regulations governing the services offered by each utility or pipeline carrier under its tariff must be set out on consecutively numbered pages immediately following the maps.  
    	(e)  The tariff sheets setting out the schedules of rates and charges for each class of service offered, or for each customer or shipper group, must be set out on consecutively numbered pages immediately following the regulations.  
    	(f)  For a pipeline carrier also subject to federal jurisdiction, tariff sheets delineating the sections of its currently effective federal tariff which are applicable to intrastate transportation of oil and petroleum products, together with a complete copy of the federal tariff, must be set out on consecutively numbered pages immediately following the intrastate rates and charges.  
    	(g)  Special contracts with customers must be filed separately by the utility and need not conform to the numbering plan set out in this section, nor be included in the index page.  
    	(h)  In the construction of a tariff, consideration should be given to the fact that it will probably be necessary, in the future, to file additional rates, rules, regulations, etc. Reservation of sheet and schedule numbers should therefore be made to provide, in advance, for subsequent filings to be made in proper relation to schedules, etc., filed previously.  
        (i)  The purpose and effect of every tariff revision must be indicated on the tariff by the use of the following symbols to the right of the text to which they apply, but within the lined margin of the tariff sheets: 
        C - To denote a changed condition or regulation 
        D - To denote a discontinued rate, regulation, or condition 
        I - To denote an increase 
        L - To denote that material has been relocated from or to another sheet or place in the tariff with no change in text, rate, rule, or condition 
        N - To denote a new rate, regulation, condition, or sheet 
        S - To denote reissued matter 
        R - To denote a reduction 
        T - To denote a change in text for clarification 
    	(j)  The symbols in (i) of this section may not be carried forward on subsequent revisions of the tariff sheets where they originally are shown or into tariff reissues or supplements, and the filing utility or pipeline carrier is not required to use them in any reproduction of its tariff for public inspection.  




AS 42.05.141 AS 42.05.151 AS 42.05.361 AS 42.05.411 AS 42.06.140(a) AS 42.06.350 AS 42.06.390
Eff. 11/16/73, Register 48; am 6/29/84, Register 90