Section 3.48.640. Special kinds of applications.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In a general proceeding the commission may, after notice and affording interested parties an opportunity to be heard, enter a general order prescribing the information and supporting exhibits that shall be included in applications for  
    		(1) an original certificate of public convenience and necessity;  
    		(2) the revision of an outstanding certificate with respect to  
    			(A) the delineation of service areas;  
    			(B) the nature and extent of the authority granted;  
    			(C) the scope of operations or services authorized;  
    			(D) any authority that may be needed in connection with  
    				(i) the elimination of competition and any undesirable duplication or paralleling of facilities;  
    				(ii) the exchange of customers or facilities with another utility in connection with a contract, arrangement, or plan to eliminate the overlapping of service areas; or  
    			(E) any other matter.  
    		(3) the sale, lease, rental, inheritance, assignment, receivership, or disposition of a certificate, or the controlling interest in a certificated public utility or pipeline carrier, by any means, under AS 42.05.281 or AS 42.06.305;  
    		(4) the purchase, lease, rental, inheritance, assignment, receivership, or acquisition of a certificate, or the controlling interest in a certificated public utility or pipeline carrier, by any means, under AS 42.05.281 or AS 42.06.305;  
    		(5) the joint use or interconnection of facilities under AS 42.05.321 or AS 42.06.340;  
    		(6) the apportionment of joint rates under AS 42.05.401;  
    		(7) the privilege of keeping books and records pertaining to a utility's intrastate operations any place other than within Alaska;  
    		(8) the discontinuance or abandonment of service under AS 42.05.261 or AS 42.06.290; or  
    		(9) any other matter.  
    	(b)  By general order issued in a general proceeding the commission may also prescribe  
    		(1) detailed instructions for guidance in the preparation of applications;  
    		(2) appropriate application forms and the conditions under which they may or shall be used and those under which they may not be used.  


