Section 3.48.790. Cost-of-service filings.  

Latest version.
  • To ensure that a cooperative's rates properly reflect the cost to serve the various classes of customers, a cost-of-service study in accordance with 3 AAC 48.540(c) - (h) must be filed if  
    		(1) the residential class kilowatt-hour sales as a percentage of total kilowatt-hour sales, on an annual basis, changes by more than 5 percent from the percentage that existed when the cooperative last filed a cost-of-service study; or  
    		(2) the retail kilowatt-hour sales as a percentage of total retail and wholesale kilowatt hour sales, on an annual basis, changes by more than 5 percent from the percentage that existed when the cooperative last filed a cost-of-service study; or  
    		(3) the cooperative files a rate case complying with the requirements of AS 42.05.411 and 3 AAC 48.275, and if 3 AAC 48.540(a) or (b) requires that cooperative to file a cost-of-service study.  


