Section 3.53.120. Supporting information for changes in jurisdictional cost allocation factors.  

Latest version.
  • To adjust local service rates due to changes in jurisdictional cost allocation factors required by the Federal Communications Commission or the commission, a cost company shall file the following information:  
    		(1) a copy of the Federal Communications Commission order requiring a change in jurisdictional cost allocation factors;  
    		(2) a computation based on the most recent access charge filing of the company approved by the commission, showing the amount of the shift in costs due to changes in jurisdictional cost allocation factors, segregated by service classes or categories, with supporting schedules showing:  
    			(A) the factors used to allocate costs, and the costs allocated, to local service before the change in factors;  
    			(B) the factors used to allocate costs, and the costs allocated, to local service after the change in factors; and  
    			(C) a computation and explanation of the different factors;  
    		(3) a schedule showing the revenue base, consisting of all permanent recurring tariffed and special contract charges for local service, but excluding directory assistance and public pay telephone charges, to which the amount of the change is to be applied; and  
    		(4) a schedule showing the computation of the percentage rate adjustment, calculated by dividing the amount of the change computed in (2) of this section by the amount of revenues to be increased as computed in (3) of this section.  





3 AAC 53.110
AS 42.05.141 AS 42.05.151 AS 42.05.381 AS 42.05.411 AS 42.05.421 AS 42.05.431
Eff. 4/8/93, Register 126