Section 3.53.300. Applicability, finding, purpose, and waiver.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The provisions of 3 AAC 53.300 - 3 AAC 53.399 apply to all public utilities that provide intrastate telecommunications service in this state.  
    	(b)  The purpose of 3 AAC 53.300 - 3 AAC 53.399 is  
    		(1) to  
    			(A) promote the efficiency, availability, and affordability of universal telephone service in this state through the establishment of the Alaska Universal Service Fund (AUSF);  
    			(B) recalculate the rates and charges of intrastate telecommunications utilities so as to make explicit any subsidies that have previously been implicit; and  
    			(C) implement state participation in federal programs for the support of universal service under 47 U.S.C. 254 of the Federal Communications Act, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-104); and  
    		(2) not to raise revenue for the maintenance of government service offered to the general public.  
    	(c)  For good cause shown, the commission will, in its discretion, waive the application of all or any portion of 3 AAC 53.300 - 3 AAC 53.399 to a public utility providing intrastate telecommunications service. If a waiver is granted under this subsection, the commission will establish, by order, appropriate criteria on a case-by-case basis for the public utility that received the waiver.  


