Section 3.53.460. Reporting requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A common carrier designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier shall provide on or before March 31 of each year  
    		(1) an update of the common carrier's network deployment plan that details services provided within the eligible telecommunications carrier service area and includes  
    			(A) maps detailing progress towards meeting network deployment plan targets;  
    			(B) the amount of universal service support received;  
    			(C) an explanation of how universal service support was used in the previous year to improve service quality, coverage, or capacity;  
    			(D) an explanation regarding network improvement targets that have not been fulfilled and identification of any unserved areas; and  
    			(E) an explanation of any revisions to the previously filed network deployment plan;  
    		(2) a certification that the common carrier provided service throughout its eligible telecommunications carrier service area in the past calendar year to all customers requesting service except as described in (3) of this subsection;  
    		(3) an explanation of each instance in which a customer was denied supported services and a detailed explanation of the steps taken to provide service;  
    		(4) the number of complaints to the commission or the Federal Communications Commission by study area and service area, comparing the number of complaints to the total number of handsets or lines served by the carrier by study area and service area;  
    		(5) a certification that the common carrier is in compliance with applicable consumer protection and service quality standards set out in 3 AAC 53.450;  
    		(6) a certification that the common carrier complies with requirements set out in 3 AAC 53.410(a)(12) regarding functionality in emergency situations;  
    		(7) copies of any outage reports mandated by the commission or the Federal Communications Commission;  
    		(8) a certification that the common carrier complies with 3 AAC 53.410(a)(14) by offering one or more calling plans comparable to those of the incumbent local exchange carrier, including a calling plan with at least 500 free minutes of local usage per month; and  
    		(9) affidavits of publication from the prior calendar year demonstrating that the common carrier advertised the availability of supported services throughout the eligible telecommunications carrier service area.  
    	(b)  A common carrier designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier before July 12, 2009 must submit an initial annual report that includes a certification that the carrier will comply with 3 AAC 53.410(a)(7), (16), and (17).  
    	(c)  An eligible telecommunications carrier that is a carrier of last resort for local exchange service is not required to file the information specified in (a)(1)(A) and (D) of this section.  





3 AAC 53.410
AS 42.05.141 AS 42.05.145 AS 42.05.151 AS 42.05.291
Eff. 7/12/2009, Register 191