Section 3.53.750. Designation of public interest pay telephones.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The commission will, by order, designate an initial list of public interest pay telephones under the procedures set out in (b) through (e) of this section.  
    	(b)  The commission will establish a deadline for the submission of requests for the establishment of public interest pay telephones that meet the criteria for that designation as set out in 3 AAC 53.745. A request must indicate the exchange and the physical address or location for each public interest pay telephone. A request to designate an existing pay telephone as a public interest pay telephone must include sufficient cost and revenue information for the commission to determine the profitability of the pay telephone.  
    	(c)  After the deadline for the submission of requests under (b) of this section, the commission will review the requests for designation of public interest pay telephones for compliance with the criteria set out at 3 AAC 53.745 and will identify its recommended additions or deletions.  
    	(d)  Following the completion of the procedures set out in (c) of this section, the commission will issue a preliminary list of proposed public interest pay telephones. The commission will provide public notice of its preliminary list and serve the list on all certificated telecommunications carriers in the state, including private pay telephone service providers. The commission will invite public comment on the completeness and accuracy of the preliminary list of public interest pay telephones. A certificated private pay telephone service provider may indicate which, if any, locations on the list it is willing to serve in its service area without support. The commission will establish a deadline for the submission of comments.  
    	(e)  After the deadline established under (d) of this section, the commission will issue a final list of public interest pay telephones by  
    		(1) exchange; and  
    		(2) physical address or location of each public interest pay telephone.  
    	(f)  The commission may consider amendments and modifications to the final list of public interest pay telephones designated under (e) of this section upon the commission's own motion or upon petition by an affected person.   


