Section 4.05.035. Part-time enrollment in a public school.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  A district shall permit its schools to enroll part-time students. A district shall adopt a policy that sets out how a school in the district shall comply with (b) of this section and how the school shall process a request for enrollment of a part-time student. The district shall make the policy available to an interested person.  
    	(b)  Subject to the policy that a district has set out under (a) of this section, a public school in the district shall enroll a part-time student, including a private, correspondence, or home school student, who is exempt from compulsory education at a public school under AS 14.30.010(b), if  
    		(1) space is available in a course in which the student desires to enroll;  
    		(2) the enrollment is at the request of the student or the student's parent; for purposes of this paragraph, "parent" has the meaning set out at 4 AAC 52.990;  
    		(3) the student has met the prerequisites for the course that are required of a full-time student; and  
    		(4) the enrollment does not result in an expenditure of public money for the direct benefit of a private educational institution.  
    	(c)  A district shall count a part-time  student for purposes of public school funding under AS 14.17  according to 4 AAC 09.040.  
    	(d)  A district may permit dual enrollment of a part-time student at a public school and a private, correspondence, or home school, if the dual enrollment satisfies the requirements of compulsory education set out at AS 14.30.010.  
    	(e)  For the purposes of this section, "part-time student" means a pupil who attends a public school less than a day in session, as "day in session" is defined at AS 14.03.040.  





4 AAC 09.040
AS 14.03.080 AS 14.07.020 AS 14.07.060 AS 14.17.920 AS 14.30.010
Eff. 6/2/95, Register 134; am 12/30/98, Register 148