Section 4.06.580. Remedies.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  If the state board determines that a school district is or has been engaged in practices in violation of AS 14.18  or 4 AAC 06.500 - 4 AAC 06.600, the board will, in its discretion, direct the school district or the hearing officer to formulate a plan of compliance.  
    	(b)  If the school district fails to implement the plan of compliance, or violates a plan of compliance, an assurance of voluntary compliance agreement, or another order of the state board, the commissioner may petition the board to withhold state funds in accordance with AS 14.07.070.  
    	(c)  If the commissioner petitions the state board under (b) of this section, the state board will hold an abbreviated hearing in which the commissioner shall state the basis for the petition and the school district will be afforded the opportunity to respond.  
    	(d)  Nothing in 4 AAC 06.500 - 4 AAC 06.600 limits the commissioner or the Professional Teaching Practices Commission from seeking to revoke the certification of, suspend, or otherwise discipline an educator who violates AS 14.18  or 4 AAC 06.500 - 4 AAC 06.600.  
    	(e)  Nothing in 4 AAC 06.500 - 4 AAC 06.600 limits the Alaska School Activities Association from barring participation in its activities or otherwise disciplining a member district which violates AS 14.18.040 or 4 AAC 06.520.  





4 AAC 06.570
AS 14.18.080
Eff. 10/31/82, Register 84