Section 4.06.812. Alaska school performance index.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Each year, the department will determine a school performance index score for each school in the state, based on a 100-point scale. The index is the Alaska school performance index.  
    	(b)   Each factor included in the Alaska school performance index has a maximum of 100 points. The factors and the weighting of each factor in the index are as follows:  
    		(1)  for a school with students in grades kindergarten through eight,  
    			(A)  academic achievement, 35 percent;  
    			(B)  school progress, 40 percent;  
    			(C)  attendance rate, 25 percent;  
    		(2)  for a school with students in grades 9 - 12, that is not an alternative school,  
    			(A)  academic achievement, 20 percent;  
    			(B)  school progress, 40 percent;  
    			(C)  attendance rate, 10 percent;  
    			(D)  graduation rate, 20 percent;  
    			(E)  college and career readiness indicator, 10 percent;  
    		(3) for an alternative school with students in grades 9 - 12,  
    			(A)  academic achievement, 10 percent;  
    			(B)  school progress, 50 percent;  
    			(C)  attendance rate, 10 percent;  
    			(D)  graduation rate, 20 percent;   
    			(E)  college and career readiness indicator, 10 percent;  
    		(4)  for a school with students in a combination of grades kindergarten through 12, the factors and weighting under (1) - (3) of the subsection, applied proportionally to the percentage of students enrolled in each grade span in the school as reported on the first day of testing under 4 AAC 06.737.  
    	(c)  Under the Alaska school performance index,   
    		(1)  a school's academic achievement score is the percent of all students tested on the state standards-based assessments described in 4 AAC 06.737 who score proficient or higher on the state assessments in reading, writing, and mathematics if the school meets or exceeds a 95 percent assessment participation rate under 4 AAC 06.820(a); if a school does not meet a 95 percent assessment participation rate, students who were not tested will be counted as not proficient;  
    		(2)  a school's school progress score is the school's score on the growth and proficiency index described in 4 AAC 33.540, or a combination as calculated under this paragraph of the scores of the school and each of the school's subgroups on the index, up to a maximum of 100 points; for each of the subgroups listed in this paragraph that have more than five students enrolled at the school, 10 percent of the school's progress score consists of the subgroup's score on the growth and proficiency index; each subgroup included in the school score represents 10 percent of overall progress points and the all-students group represents the remaining percentage to total 100 percent; the four subgroups are  
    			(A)  Alaska Natives and American Indians;  
    			(B)  economically disadvantaged students;  
    			(C)  students with disabilities; and  
    			(D)  students with limited English proficiency;  
    		(3) a school's attendance rate shall be calculated as a percent as set out in 4 AAC 06.895(i), based on all students enrolled at the school, and the department will award points  based on the following scale:  
    			(A) for all schools except alternative schools with students in grades 9 - 12,  
    				(i) 96.00 - 100 percent, 100 points;  
    				(ii) 93.00 - 95.99 percent, 95 points;  
    				(iii) 90.00 - 92.99 percent, 80 points;  
    				(iv) 85.00 - 89.99 percent, 50 points;  
    				(v) 70.00 - 84.99 percent, 25 points;  
    				(vi) below 70.00 percent, zero points;  
    			(B) for alternative schools with students in grades 9 - 12,  
    				(i) 88.00 - 100 percent, 100 points;  
    				(ii) 83.00 - 87.99 percent, 95 points;  
    				(iii) 78.00 - 82.99 percent, 80 points;  
    				(iv) 73.00 - 77.99 percent, 50 points;  
    				(v) 65.00 - 72.99 percent, 25 points;  
    				(vi) below 65.00 percent, zero points;  
    		(4) except as provided in (5) of this subsection, a school's graduation rate shall be calculated under 4 AAC 06.825, and the department will award points based on the following scale, with schools permitted to use the higher graduation rate:  
    			(A) for all schools except alternative schools with students in grades 9 - 12,  
    				(i) four-year or five-year rate of 98.00 - 100 percent, 100 points;  
    				(ii) four-year rate of 90.00 - 97.99 percent, or five-year rate of 93.00 - 97.99 percent, 95 points;  
    				(iii) four-year rate of 85.00 - 89.99 percent, or five-year rate of 89.00 - 92.99 percent, 90 points;  
    				(iv) four-year rate of 80.00 - 84.99 percent, or five-year rate of 85.00 - 88.99 percent, 70 points;  
    				(v) four-year rate of 70.00 - 79.99 percent, or five-year rate of 80.00 - 84.99 percent, 50 points;  
    				(vi) four-year rate of 60.00 - 69.99 percent, or five-year rate of 70.00 - 79.99 percent, 25 points;  
    				(vii) four-year rate of 50.00 - 59.99 percent, or five-year rate of 60.00 - 69.99 percent, 10 points;  
    				(viii) four-year rate below 50.00 percent, or five-year rate below 60.00 percent, zero points;  
    			(B) for alternative schools with students in grades 9 - 12,  
    				(i) four-year rate of 80.00 - 100 percent, or five-year rate of 85.00 - 100 percent, 100 points;  
    				(ii) four-year rate of 70.00 - 79.99 percent, or five-year rate of 75.00 - 84.99 percent, 95 points;  
    				(iii) four-year rate of 60.00 - 69.99 percent, or five-year rate of 65.00 - 74.99 percent, 90 points;  
    				(iv) four-year rate of 55.00 - 59.99 percent, or five-year rate of 60.00 - 64.99 percent, 70 points;  
    				(v) four-year rate of 45.00 - 54.99 percent, or five-year rate of 50.00 - 59.99 percent, 50 points;  
    				(vi) four-year rate of 40.00 - 44.99 percent, or five-year rate of 45.00 - 49.99 percent, 25 points;  
    				(vii) four-year rate of 35.00 - 39.99 percent, or five-year rate of 40.00 - 44.99 percent, 10 points;  
    				(viii) four-year rate below 35.00 percent, or five-year rate below 40.00 percent, zero points;  
    		(5) for a school that has six or fewer students in the four-year graduation cohort as calculated under 4 AAC 06.825(b)(2) and 4 AAC 06.895(i)(4), the five-year graduation cohort as calculated under 4 AAC 06.825(b)(1), or both for the current year, the four-year and five-year graduation rates shall be calculated by aggregating the graduation rate data for up to three consecutive years so that the aggregated graduation cohort is greater than six for each of the specified four-year and five-year rates; if data are insufficient to make a graduation rate determination with a cohort of at least seven students over three consecutive years in either one but not both of the four-year or five-year cohorts, the department will award points based upon the four- or five-year cohort in which the graduation rate can be calculated with at least seven students; if data are insufficient to make a graduation rate determination with a cohort of at least seven students over three consecutive years in either the four- or five-year cohort, the graduation rate indicator and its weight in the overall Alaska school performance index score will be removed from the calculation; and   
    		(6) a school's college and career readiness indicator is the average score for all students in 12th grade enrolled on the first day of the administration of the state standards-based assessment under 4 AAC 06.737 at the school who participated in the WorkKeys assessment, the ACT, the SAT, or a combination of two or more of these assessments with points awarded for a student′s achievement on one of those assessments based on the following scale:  
    			(A) award of a WorkKeys gold or platinum certificate, an ACT score of 25 or higher, or an SAT score of 1680 or higher, 100 points;  
    			(B) award of a WorkKeys silver certificate, an ACT score of 23 - 24, or an SAT score of 1560 - 1679, 95 points;  
    			(C) award of a WorkKeys bronze certificate, an ACT score of 21 - 22, or an SAT score of 1450 - 1559, 80 points;  
    			(D) no WorkKeys certificate, an ACT score below 21, or an SAT score below 1449, zero points;   
    		(7) repealed 3/6/2015.  
    	(d)   In this section,   
    		(1) "ACT" has the meaning given in 4 AAC 43.900;  
    		(2) "SAT" has the meaning given in 4 AAC 43.900;   
    		(3) "WorkKeys" has the meaning given in 4 AAC 43.900.  




AS 14.03.123 AS 14.07.020 AS 14.07.060 AS 14.07.170 AS 14.50.080
Eff. 11/1/2007, Register 184; am 10/16/2013, Register 208; am 11/13/2014, Register 212; am 3/6/2015, Register 213