Section 4.06.820. Participation.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The participation rate on the state standards-based assessments described in 4 AAC 06.737 is computed by dividing the number of students that took at least one assessment by the number of students enrolled in tested grades on the first day of testing. Each school and district in the state shall ensure that at least 95 percent of the students enrolled in tested grades participate in the state assessments. However, if a school has 40 or fewer students, or a subgroup has at least five but not more than 40 students, the requirements for participation are satisfied if not more than two students from that school or subgroup do not participate in a state assessment. For purposes of this section, a student participates in a state assessment if the student receives a valid test score on one of the required state assessments.  
    	(b)  A school or district may not systematically exclude students from assessment.  
    	(c)  Students who are eligible to take the alternate assessment under 4 AAC 06.775(b) will be included in calculating the participation rate under (a) of this section, even if more than one percent of the students in a district or the state public school system take the alternate assessment, if the students are  
    		(1) in a grade in which the alternate assessment is offered; and  
    		(2) enrolled on the first day of testing.   
    	(d)  For purposes of measures of school and district accountability under 4 AAC 06.800 - 4 AAC 06.899, including measurements of participation and graduation rates, attainment of an annual measurable objective, and inclusion in the Alaska school performance index, the score of a student who participates in a state assessment and is enrolled at more than one school at a time will be included in the performance of the school at which the student is counted under 4 AAC 09.040 as more than 0.5 full-time equivalent. If the student cannot be counted under 4 AAC 09.040 as more than 0.5 full-time equivalent at any of those schools, the student's state assessment score and participation will be included in the performance of the school at which the student receives instruction in English language arts.  
    	(e)  A district shall report to the state the enrollment of all students as of the first day of the administration of the state standards-based assessments under 4 AAC 06.737. The report must be on a form prepared by the department, and must include the student's student identification number, school, grade, and subgroup membership. The report shall be filed not later than 21 days following the first day of administration of the assessments. If, after reviewing the report, the department determines that a school or district has underreported the number of economically disadvantaged students in a school or district, the department will use data from other sources, including confidential public assistance data, to estimate the actual number of students in that subgroup.  
    	(f)  Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter, if a district enrolls a student who qualifies as a limited English proficient pupil under 4 AAC 34.090(2), and who first enrolls in a school in the United States after the previous school year administration of the state standards-based assessments under 4 AAC 06.737, the district may  
    		(1) excuse the student from participation in the state assessments in English language arts; and  
    		(2) elect not to include the student's score in any state assessment as part of measures of school and district accountability under 4 AAC 06.800 - 4 AAC 06.899, including measurements of participation and graduation rates, attainment of an annual measurable objective, and inclusion in the Alaska school performance index.  
    	(g)  Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter, a district may, on a case-by-case basis, exempt an individual student from a state standards-based assessment described in 4 AAC 06.737 if an unexpected severe medical condition prevents the student from participating in the administration of the assessment. The student will not be included as part of measures of school and district accountability under 4 AAC 06.800 - 4 AAC 06.899, including measurements of participation and graduation rates, attainment of an annual measurable objective, and inclusion in the Alaska school performance index. The district shall retain documentation regarding the exemption, including medical records of the condition, with the student's permanent record and provide it to the department upon request.  
    	(h)  Repealed 10/9/2015.  
    	(i)  Except as provided in (f) and (g) of this section, a student who is counted as more than one-quarter full-time equivalent under 4 AAC 09.040 must be included in the standards-based test described in 4 AAC 06.737. A student who is counted as one-quarter full-time equivalent under 4 AAC 09.040 must only be included in the English/language arts, mathematics, or science content-area assessment of the standards-based test under 4 AAC 06.737 if the student receives instruction in a corresponding subject and grade level.  




AS 14.03.123 AS 14.07.020 AS 14.07.060 AS 14.50.080
Eff. 11/23/2003, Register 168; am 10/24/2004, Register 172; am 10/16/2013, Register 208; am 10/9/2015, Register 216; am 4/6/2016, Register 218