Section 4.09.030. Tuition costs.  

Latest version.
  • The tuition rate that may be charged by district schools to other school districts or to individuals is determined and governed by the following conditions:  
    		(1) the tuition rate for each individual school district shall be certified by the commissioner on the basis of a report from each individual school district on a form to be prescribed by the commissioner. The rate shall be based on a formula wherein the tuition rate established shall be the actual local contribution rate of the school district for the prior year;  
    		(2) the tuition rate will be an annual rate per pupil in average daily membership; the tuition rate shall be based upon the amount expended annually from local funds for current operation and capital outlay for the prior year divided by the ADM; data for rate determination shall be obtained from official reports submitted by districts; the rate shall be computed by the department;  
    		(3) the certified rate is the amount which a district may bill the sending agency for nonresident children attendant in the district, and not being provided with public school educational facilities in their place of residence in the state;  
    		(4) repealed 2/11/2004;  
    		(5) repealed 2/11/2004;  
    		(6) in the case of attendance in a district of a pupil whose parents are bona fide residents of another school district in this state where public school facilities of the necessary grade levels are not provided, tuition shall be billed to the school district from which the pupil has come and that district shall accept the billing; in the case of a pupil resident in one school district but optionally attending another school district and where the necessary grade level is provided in the home district, a tuition charge may not be made to the home district unless the district of residence waives attendance requirements for the particular pupil and agrees to accept billing; if the home district will not accept the billing, the school district may bill the parent or guardian for tuition;  
    		(7) tuition may not be billed for pupils for whom contractual or other similar arrangements have been made in lieu of tuition;  
    		(8) repealed 9/3/76.  





4 AAC 06.121
AS 14.07.020 AS 14.07.030 AS 14.07.060 AS 14.14.110
In effect before 7/28/59; am 6/9/61, Register 3; am 10/14/68, Register 27; am 8/30/75, Register 55; am 9/3/76, Register 59; am 2/11/2004, Register 169