Section 4.09.160. Fund balance.

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  All money in the year-end fund balance of a district's school operating fund are subject to the 10 percent limit described in AS 14.17.505(a), except for money in the following six categories:  
    		(1) encumbrances;  
    		(2) inventory;  
    		(3) prepaid expenses, which may including fuel;  
    		(4) self-insurance;  
    		(5) federal impact aid received  
    			(A) in response to the application for impact aid submitted in the fiscal year that immediately preceded the current fiscal year; and  
    			(B) on or after March 1 of the current fiscal year that was awarded as a result of applications that were submitted before the application for impact aid for the current fiscal year:  
    		(6)  unexpended annual student allotment money as provided under AS 14.03.320(c).  
    	(b)  A district shall include in the report required under 4 AAC 06.121(5)(A) a schedule that identifies the amount of money in the categories listed in (a) of this section.  
    	(c)  For purposes of AS 14.17.505(a), "unreserved portion of the year-end fund balance of a school operating fund" means the portion of the fund balance remaining after the deduction of the items listed in (a) of this section.  




AS 14.03.320 AS 14.17.505 AS 14.17.920
Eff. 12/13/87, Register 104; am 8/5/90, Register 115; am 6/19/2011, Register 198; am 3/6/2015, Register 213