Section 4.31.013. Preventive maintenance and facility management.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  For a district to be eligible for state aid under AS 14.11.011, the district must have a facility management program that addresses the following five elements of facility and maintenance management:  
    		(1) a formal maintenance management program that records maintenance activities on a work order basis, and tracks the timing and cost, including labor and materials, of maintenance activities in sufficient detail to produce reports of planned and completed work;  
    		(2) an energy management plan that includes recording energy consumption for all utilities on a monthly basis for each building; for facilities constructed before December 15, 2004, a district may record energy consumption for utilities on a monthly basis when multiple buildings are served by one utility plant;  
    		(3) a custodial program that includes a schedule of custodial activities for each building based on type of work and scope of effort;  
    		(4) a maintenance training program that specifies training for custodial and maintenance staff and records training received by each person; and  
    		(5) a renewal and replacement schedule that, for each school facility of permanent construction over 1,000 gross square feet, identifies the construction cost of major building systems, including electrical, mechanical, structural and other components; evaluates and establishes the life-expectancy of those systems; compares life-expectancy to the age and condition of the systems; and uses the data to forecast a renewal and replacement year and cost for each system.  
    	(b)  Repealed 12/15/2004.  
    	(c)  At the request of a chief school administrator, the department will assist a district in implementing a qualifying preventive maintenance program through consultation, on-site reviews, and training.  
    	(d)  Repealed 12/15/2004.  
    	(e)  On an annual basis, the department shall provide a preliminary notice to each district regarding its compliance with each element required in (a) of this section, based on evidence of a program that was previously provided to the department, or that was gathered by the department during an on-site visit conducted under (f) of this section. On or before June 1, the department will provide its preliminary notice. The department may change a determination of non-compliance at any time during the year based on new evidence. Districts that are not in full compliance must provide evidence of compliance to the department by August 1. On or before August 15, the department will notify districts of its final determination regarding compliance. The department will deny a grant application submitted under AS 14.11.011 by a district that has received a final determination from the department that the district is out of compliance with this section.  
    	(f)  The department shall conduct on-site inspections of school district preventive maintenance and facility management programs at least once every five years. The department may make additional inspections as it deems necessary. The department may change its determination of compliance based on information obtained during the on-site inspections.  
    	(g)  In this section  
    		(1) "district" has the meaning given in AS 14.11.135;  
    		(2) "maintenance activities" means all work performed by district staff or contractors on building systems, components, utilities, and site improvements.  




AS 14.07.020 AS 14.07.060 AS 14.11.011 AS 14.11.132
Eff. 5/24/2001, Register 158; am 12/19/2002, Register 164; am 12/15/2004, Register 172; am 6/17/2010, Register 194