Section 4.31.065. Selection of designers and construction managers.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  If a school district determines that it is necessary to engage the services of a private consultant to design or provide construction management for an educational facility with money provided under AS 14.11.011 - AS 14.11.020, or for a project approved for reimbursement of costs under AS 14.11.100, and the estimated cost of the contract is more than $50,000, the selection of the consultant shall be accomplished by soliciting written proposals by advertising in a newspaper of general circulation at least 21 days before the proposals are due. The contract shall be awarded to the most qualified offeror, after evaluating the proposals submitted.  
    	(b)  Nothing in this section precludes a school district from retaining the services of a consultant on an as-needed basis under a multi-year contract, if the term of the contract is not more than five years.  
    	(c)  The school district shall provide a procedure for administrative review of complaints by aggrieved offerors which allows them to appeal, within 10 days after the notice of intent to award, requesting a hearing with notice to interested parties, for a redetermination and final award in accordance with law.  





4 AAC 31.023
AS 14.11.017 AS 14.11.020 AS 14.11.132
Eff. 12/2/83, Register 88; am 8/31/90, Register 115