Section 4.33.540. Qualification.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The department will determine a school's growth and proficiency index level as follows:  
    		(1) for purposes of 4 AAC 33.500 - 4 AAC 33.590, the subject matter proficiency levels for advanced, proficient plus, proficient, below proficient plus, below proficient minus, far below proficient plus, and far below proficient minus will be determined as set out in this paragraph, based on the student's scores on the applicable state standards-based assessment under 4 AAC 06.737; the department will assign the appropriate proficiency level to each student based on the student's scale score on the reading, writing, or mathematics test, as set out in the following table:  
    		(2) using the proficiency level each student in grades 4 - 10 achieved on the reading, writing, and mathematics tests of the state standards-based assessment for the current school year and the immediately previous school year, the department will assign a value number from the following table for each student:  
    		(3) the department will not assign a value number for a student who took the same grade level test as, or a lower grade level test in the current year than, the student took in the previous year; a student must progress to a higher grade level test than the student took in the previous school year in order for a student's scores to be counted;  
    		(4) the department will assign a value number under (2) of this subsection for each reading, writing, and mathematics test the student took on a state standards-based assessment in the current school year even if the student took a state standards-based assessment in the previous school year at a different public school in the district or in the state;  
    		(5) a school's school index point value is a fraction, the numerator of which is the sum of the value numbers from the table in (2) of this subsection for each reading, writing, and mathematics test achieved by each eligible student, and the denominator of which is the number of reading, writing, and mathematics tests administered at the school to eligible students; in this paragraph, "eligible student" means a student who was enrolled for the full academic year in the school, and for whom the department has assigned a value number for the subject under (2) of this subsection;  
    		(6) repealed 12/2/2012;  
    	(b)  Repealed 12/2/2012.  




AS 14.07.020 AS 14.07.060
Eff. 12/24/2006, Register 180; am 8/1/2008, Register 187; am 12/2/2012, Register 204