Section 5.01.190. Subdistrict 1 of the Norton Sound District Chum Salmon Management Plan.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this management plan is to provide the department with conservative management guidelines for the sustained yield of chum salmon stocks in Subdistrict 1 of the Norton Sound District. The department shall manage Subdistrict 1 to achieve optimal escapement goals for chum salmon spawning streams and to restore chum salmon abundance so that a Tier II subsistence fishery will not be necessary. The department shall manage chum salmon as follows:  
    		(1) commercial fishing for chum and pink salmon may be opened in the waters east or west of Cape Nome, or both, by emergency order, only after escapement goals are projected to be met;  
    		(2) in the subsistence fishery,  
    			(A) subsistence chum salmon fishing will be opened and closed by emergency order on a stream-by-stream basis, to be determined by the department, when chum salmon stocks are abundant enough to provide for optimal escapement goals and a harvestable surplus;  
    			(B) a subsistence fishing permit under 5 AAC 01.180 is required and will be issued to a household; the permit will identify the body of water to be fished, the annual limit for each salmon species, and the allowable gear;  
    			(C) repealed 5/19/2004;  
    		(3) if chum salmon subsistence fishing is restricted, the commissioner may, by emergency order, close a commercial fishery and immediately reopen a commercial fishery during which chum salmon may be retained, but not sold;  
    		(4) the commercial pink or chum fisheries may occur only if the department determines there is a harvestable surplus of pink or chum salmon and that a directed pink or chum salmon commercial fishery will not have a significant impact on escapement goals or subsistence uses of chum salmon.  





5 AAC 04.310
AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251 AS 16.05.258
Eff. 6/17/2001, Register 158; am 5/19/2004, Register 170; am 4/13/2013, Register 206