Section 5.01.310. Fishing seasons and periods.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Unless restricted in this section and 5 AAC 01.325, or unless restricted under the terms of a subsistence fishing permit, fish, other than rainbow trout, may be taken at any time in the Bristol Bay Area.  
    	(b)  In all commercial salmon districts, from May 1 through May 31 and October 1 through October 31, subsistence fishing for salmon is permitted from 9:00 a.m. Monday until 9:00 a.m. Friday. From June 1 through September 30, within the waters of a commercial salmon district, salmon may be taken only during open commercial fishing periods. In the Nushagak District, the commissioner, by emergency order, shall also provide for subsistence salmon fishing during periods of extended closures. During these emergency order openings,  
    		(1) set gillnets may not be more than 10 fathoms in length; and  
    		(2) no set gillnet may be set or operated within 450 feet of another set gillnet;  
    		(3) repealed 5/15/93.  
    	(c)  Repealed 5/31/98.  
    	(d)  In the Nushagak District, in all waters upstream of a line from a point approximately two miles south of Bradford Point at 58_ 58.63' N. lat., 158_ 33.62' W. long. to Nushagak Point at 58_ 56.79' N. lat., 158_ 29.53' W. long., to a point at Red Bluff on the west shore of the Wood River at 59_ 09.58' N. lat., 158_ 32.36' W. long., and to Lewis Point on the north shore on the Nushagak River at 58_ 59.46' N. lat., 158_ 05.57' W. long., from 9:00 a.m. July 2 through 9:00 a.m. July 17, salmon may be taken only from  
    		(1) 9:00 a.m. Monday to 9:00 a.m. Tuesday;  
    		(2) 9:00 a.m. Wednesday to 9:00 a.m. Thursday; and  
    		(3) 9:00 a.m. Saturday to 9:00 a.m. Sunday.  
    	(e)  Repealed 4/16/2016.  
    	(f)  Under conditions set out in 5 AAC 06.361(e), the commissioner may, by emergency order, reduce time or area for the Nushagak River king salmon subsistence fishery.  
    	(g)  Rainbow trout taken incidentally in other subsistence finfish net fisheries and through the ice, are lawfully taken and may be retained for subsistence purposes.  
    	(h)  On the north shore of the Naknek River, from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately 300 feet upstream from the north commercial fishing section boundary marker to an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately 1,300 feet upstream from the north commercial fishing section boundary marker, salmon may be taken only by a person 60 years of age or older from June 23 through July 17, except that a person authorized to take salmon under this subsection may not authorize a proxy to take or attempt to take salmon on behalf of the person under AS 16.05.405 or 5 AAC 01.011.  





5 AAC 01.320
AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251 AS 16.05.258 Editor's note: At its February 23 - 27, 1993 meeting, the Board of Fisheries readopted 5 AAC 01.310(b)(1), (b)(2) and (c) - (f) in their entirety without change, under ch. 1, SSSLA 1992 (the 1992 subsistence law), which repealed and reenacted AS 16.05.258.
In effect before 1982; am 4/14/82, Register 82; am 4/2/88, Register 105; am 6/19/92, Register 122; am/readopt 5/15/93, Register 126; am 7/3/94, Register 130; am 4/9/95, Register 134; am 5/31/98, Register 146; am 6/22/2001, Register 158; am 12/1/2004, Register 172; am 4/4/2013, Register 206; am 4/16/2016, Register 218

