Section 5.01.425. Waters closed to subsistence fishing.  

Latest version.
  • The following waters are closed to subsistence fishing for salmon:  
    		(1) Russell Creek and Nurse Lagoon and within 500 yards from the stream terminus of Russell Creek and Nurse Lagoon;  
    		(2) Trout Creek and within 500 yards outside its mouth;  
    		(3) inshore of a line from the Trident Seafood's Dock at Sand Point to Black Point located on the northwest side of Popof Island, including the inlet and Humboldt Creek;  
    		(4) in the Black Hills Section, all fresh waters and within 500 yard of any anadromous salmon stream terminus;  
    		(5) in the Bear River Section, the waters of Frank's Lagoon and King Salmon River;   
    		(6) the waters specified in 5 AAC 09.350 and 5 AAC 39.290 during an open commercial salmon fishing period.  





5 AAC 01.410
AS 16.05.251 AS 16.05.258 Editor's note: At its February 23 - 27, 1993 meeting, the Board of Fisheries readopted 5 AAC 01.425 in its entirety without change, under ch. 1, SSSLA 1992 (the 1992 subsistence law), which repealed and reenacted AS 16.05.258.
In effect before 1988; readopt 5/15/93, Register 126; am 6/4/2004, Register 170

