Section 5.01.666. Customary and traditional subsistence uses of fish stocks and amounts necessary for subsistence uses.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  The Alaska Board of Fisheries finds that the following fish stocks are customarily and traditionally taken or used for subsistence:  
    		(1) herring and herring spawn in waters of Yakutat Bay, including Russell Fjord, within a line from the westernmost point of Point Manby to the southernmost point of Ocean Cape;  
    		(2) bottomfish and halibut in waters of Yakutat Bay, including Russell Fjord, and in waters of Alaska bounded by a line from Point Manby, at 59_ 41.66' N. lat., 140_ 19.57' W. long., to 59_ 39.17' N. lat., 140_ 26.75'  W. long. to Ocean Cape, at 59_ 31.62' N. lat., 139_ 49.87' W. long., to 59_ 29.69' N. lat., 139_ 55.18' W. long.;  
    		(3) salmon in fresh water upstream from the terminus of streams and rivers of the Yakutat Area from the Doame River to the Tsiu River, in waters of Yakutat Bay and Russell Fjord inside a line from the Westernmost point of Point Manby to the southernmost point of Ocean Cape, and in waters of Icy Bay inside a line from the westernmost tip of Point Riou to Icy Cape Light;  
    		(4) Dolly Varden char, steelhead trout, and smelt in fresh water upstream from the terminus of streams and rivers of the Yakutat Area from the Doame River to Point Manby, and in waters of Yakutat Bay and Russell Fjord inside a line from the westernmost point of Point Manby to the southernmost point of Ocean Cape.  
    	(b)  The board finds that 5,800 - 7,832 salmon are reasonably necessary for subsistence uses in the waters described in (a)(3) of this section.   




AS 16.05.251 AS 16.05.258
Eff. 5/15/93, Register 126; am 7/26/2003, Register 167; am 5/26/2006, Register 178