Section 5.05.200. Fishing districts and subdistricts.

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  District 1 consists of that portion of the Yukon River drainage from the latitude of Point Romanof extending south and west along the coast of the delta to the terminus of Black River upstream to the northern edge of the mouth of the Anuk River and all waters of the Black River.  
    	(b)  District 2 consists of that portion of the Yukon River drainage from the northern edge of the mouth of the Anuk River upstream to an ADF&G regulatory marker located at Toklik, and includes the Anuk River drainage.  
    	(c)  District 3 consists of that portion of the Yukon River drainage from an ADF&G regulatory marker located at Toklik upstream to an ADF&G regulatory marker at the mouth of an unnamed slough three-fourths of a mile downstream from Old Paradise Village.  
    	(d)  District 4 consists of the Yukon River drainage from an ADF&G regulatory marker at the mouth of an unnamed slough three-fourths of a mile downstream from Old Paradise Village upstream to the western edge of the mouth of Illinois Creek at Kallands.  
    		(1) Subdistrict 4-A consists of that portion of the Yukon River drainage from an ADF&G regulatory marker at the mouth of an unnamed slough three-fourths of a mile downstream from Old Paradise Village upstream to the tip of Cone Point;  
    		(2) Subdistrict 4-B consists of the Yukon River drainage from the tip of Cone Point upstream along the north bank of the river to the westernmost edge of Illinois Creek and includes the following islands: Cook, Lark, Serpentine, Louden, Fish, Dainty, Yuki, Melozi, Dasha, Straight, Kit, Fox, Hardluck, Mickey, Florence, Doyle, Chokoyik, Lady, Liner, Flora, and Cronin;  
    		(3) Subdistrict 4-C consists of the Yukon River drainage from the tip of Cone Point upstream along the south bank of the river to a point opposite the westernmost edge of Illinois Creek and includes the following islands: Cat, Hen, Jimmy, Big, Ninemile, Ham, Emerald, Edith, Kathaleen, Henry, Burns, Youngs, Weir, Clay, Large, and Brant.  
    	(e)  District 5 consists of that portion of the Yukon River drainage (excluding the Tanana River drainage) from the western edge of the mouth of Illinois Creek to the United States-Canada border, and includes the Illinois Creek drainage.  
    		(1) Subdistrict 5-A consists of the Yukon River drainage from a point opposite the westernmost edge of Illinois Creek upstream along the south bank of the river to the easternmost edge of the Tanana River mouth and includes the following islands: Second, Corbusier, Sixmile, Deet'laa', Swanson, Blind, Basco, Sword, Leonard, Still, Tanana, and Mission;  
    		(2) Subdistrict 5-B consists of the Yukon River drainage from the westernmost edge of Illinois Creek upstream along the north bank of the river to a point opposite the easternmost edge of the Tanana River mouth upstream along both banks of the Yukon River to the westernmost tip of Garnet Island and includes the following islands: Willow I, II, and III, Steamboat, Grant, Darvin, Little Joker, Station, Tozitna, Circle, Bull, and Long;  
    		(3) Subdistrict 5-C consists of the Yukon River drainage upstream from the westernmost tip of Garnet Island to ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately two miles downstream from Waldron Creek;  
    		(4) Subdistrict 5-D consists of the Yukon River drainage from ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately two miles downstream from Waldron Creek upstream to the United States-Canada border.  
    	(f)  District 6 consists of the Tanana River drainage to its confluence with the Yukon River.  
    		(1) Subdistrict 6-A consists of that portion of the Tanana River drainage from its mouth upstream to the eastern edge of the mouth of the Kantishna River and includes the Kantishna River drainage;  
    		(2) Subdistrict 6-B consists of that portion of the Tanana River drainage from the eastern edge of the mouth of the Kantishna River upstream to the eastern edge of the mouth of the Wood River and includes the Wood River drainage;  
    		(3) Subdistrict 6-C consists of the Tanana River drainage from the eastern edge of the mouth of the Wood River upstream to the eastern edge of the mouth of the Salcha River and includes the Salcha River drainage;  
    		(4) Old Minto Area consists of that portion of Subdistrict 6-B from the downstream end of upper Tolovana Island, located approximately two miles upstream of the Tolovana River, to three miles upstream of the mouth of the Totchaket Slough.  
    	(g)  Repealed 7/13/2012.  
    	(h)  Coastal District: all waters between the latitude of the westernmost point of the Naskonat Peninsula and a line extending 315_ northwest from Point Romanof at 63_ 12.16' N. lat., 162_ 49.72' W. long. to a point three nautical miles offshore at 63_ 14.27' N. lat., 162_ 54.40' W. long. not included in (a) - (f) of this section.  




AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1982; am 4/14/82, Register 82; am 7/16/92, Register 123; am 5/29/93, Register 126; am 7/3/94, Register 130; am 7/12/96, Register 139; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 6/17/2001, Register 158; am 9/29/2001, Register 159; am 5/19/2010, Register 194; am 7/13/2012, Register 203; am 4/13/2013, Register 206; am 6/26/2016, Register 218