Section 5.09.200. Description of districts and sections.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Northern District: waters on the north (Bering Sea) side of the Alaska Peninsula west of a line from Cape Menshikof (57_ 28.34' N. lat., 157_ 55.84' W. long.) to Cape Newenham (58_ 39.00' N. lat., 162_ W. long.) and the longitude of Moffet Point (162_ 35.50' W. long.), excluding the waters of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon);  
    		(1) Cinder River Section: waters of the Northern District east of 158_ 20.00' W. long.;  
    		(2) Port Heiden Sections:  
    			(A) Outer Port Heiden Section: waters located between 158_ 20.00' W. long. and the longitude of Strogonof Point (158_ 50.45' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Inner Port Heiden Section;  
    			(B) Inner Port Heiden Section: waters of Port Heiden Bay south and east of a line from Strogonof Point at 56_ 53.50' N. lat., 158_ 50.45' W. long. to the mainland shore of the northeast entrance to the bay at 56_ 56.50' N. lat., 158_ 41.50' W. long.;  
    		(3) Ilnik Section: waters between the longitude of Strogonof Point (158_ 50.45' W. long.) and the longitude of Three Hills (159_ 49.45' W. long.);  
    		(4) Three Hills Section: waters between the longitude of Three Hills (159_ 49.45' W. long.) and the longitude of Cape Seniavin (160_ 08.25' W. long.);  
    		(5) Bear River Section: waters between the longitude of Cape Seniavin (160_ 08.25' W. long.) and the longitude of Wolf Point (160_ 48.47' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Herendeen-Moller Bay Section;  
    		(6) Port Moller Bight Section: waters enclosed by a line from Entrance Point to Harbor Point;  
    		(7) Herendeen-Moller Bay Section: waters enclosed by a line from Harbor Point to Entrance Point to Wolf Point to Point Edward on Cape Rozhnof;  
    		(8) Nelson Lagoon Section: waters of Nelson Lagoon inside the bars and inside a line extending from Lagoon Point to Wolf Point to Point Edward on Cape Rozhnof;  
    		(9) Caribou Flats Section: waters between the longitude of Wolf Point (160_ 48.47' W. long.) and the longitude of Frank's Point (161_ 49.00' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Nelson Lagoon Section;  
    		(10) Black Hills Section: waters between the longitude of Frank's Point (161_ 49.00' W. long.) and the longitude of Moffet Point (162_ 35.50' W. long.), excluding the waters of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon).  
    	(b)  Northwestern District: waters on the north (Bering Sea) side of the Alaska Peninsula between the longitude of Moffet Point (162_ 35.50' W. long.) and the longitude of Cape Sarichef Light on Unimak Island (164_ 55.70' W. long.), including all waters of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon) and the waters of Bechevin Bay and Isanotski Strait north of a line from the False Pass cannery dock to Nichols Point;  
    		(1) Izembek-Moffet Bay Section: waters between the longitude of Moffet Point (162_ 35.50' W. long.) and the longitude of the easternmost tip of Chunak Point (163_ 27.00' W. long.), including all of Moffet Bay (also known as Moffet Lagoon), but excluding the waters of the Bechevin Bay Section;  
    		(2) Bechevin Bay Section: waters of Bechevin Bay and Isanotski Strait enclosed on the north by a line from the easternmost tip of Chunak Point to the westernmost tip of Cape Kretnitzin and enclosed on the south by a line from the False Pass cannery dock to Nichols Point;  
    		(3) Swanson Lagoon Section: waters on the north side of Unimak Island between the longitude of the easternmost edge of Chunak Point (163_ 27.00' W. long.) and east of the longitude of Otter Point (163_ 47.00' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Bechevin Bay Section;  
    		(4) Urilia Bay Section: waters on the north side of Unimak Island west of the longitude of Otter Point (163_ 47.00' W. long.) and east of the longitude of the northernmost tip of Cape Mordvinof (164_ 26.00' W. long.), including Peterson and Christianson Lagoons;  
    		(5) Dublin Bay Section: waters on the northwest side of Unimak Island west of the longitude of the northernmost tip of Cape Mordvinof (164_ 26.00' W. long.) and east of the longitude of Cape Sarichef Light (164_ 55.70' W. long.).  
    	(c)  Unimak District: waters on the south side of Unimak Island between a line extending from Scotch Cap (54_ 24.17' N. lat., 164_ 47.60' W. long.) through the easternmost tip of Ugamak Island (54_ 12.87' N. lat., 164_ 46.00' W. long.) and a line extending 115_ from Cape Pankof Light (54_ 39.60' N. lat., 163_ 03.70' W. long.), including the Sanak Islands;  
    		(1) Cape Lutke Section: waters of the Unimak District west of the longitude of Rock Island (163_ 38.00' W. long.);  
    		(2) Otter Cove Section: waters of the Unimak District east of the longitude of Rock Island (163_ 38.00' W. long.), excluding the waters of the Sanak Island Section;  
    		(3) Sanak Island Section: waters of the Unimak District east of the longitude of Cape Pankof Light (163_ 03.70' W. long.) and south of the latitude of Hague Rock at 54_ 33.17' N. lat.  
    	(d)  Southwestern District: waters on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula north and east of a line extending 115_ from Cape Pankof Light (54_ 39.60' N. lat., 163_ 03.70' W. long.) and west of a line extending 106_ from Arch Point Light (55_ 12.30' N. lat., 161_ 54.30' W. long.) to the western boundary of the Southeastern District (longitude of McGinty Point: 160_ 59.00' W. long.), including Inner Iliasik, Outer Iliasik, Goloi, Dolgoi, Poperechoi, and Deer Islands, waters of Ikatan Bay, and waters of Isanotski Strait south of a line from the False Pass cannery dock (54_ 51.35' N. lat., 163_ 24.38' W. long.) to Nichols Point (54_ 51.43' N. lat., 163_ 23.23' W. long.);  
    		(1) Ikatan Bay Section: waters of the Southwestern District located south and west of a line from Kenmore Head (54_ 56.83' N. lat., 163_ 01.77' W. long.) to Hague Rock (54_ 33.17' N. lat., 162_ 24.00' W. long.) and west of a line extending true south from Hague Rock;  
    		(2) Morzhovoi Bay Section: waters of Morzhovoi Bay north of a line from Kenmore Head to Cape Tachilni (54_ 56.00' N. lat., 162_ 52.80' W. long.);  
    		(3) Thin Point Section: waters of the Southwestern District east of Kenmore Head (54_ 56.83' N. lat., 163_ 01.77' W. long.) and west of Thin Point (54_ 57.32' N. lat., 162_ 33.50' W. long.), excluding waters of the Ikatan, Morzhovoi, and Cold Bay Sections;  
    		(4) Cold Bay Section: waters north of a line from Thin Point to Vodapoini Point;  
    		(5) Deer Island Section: waters within one nautical mile from the mean high tide mark around Deer Island;  
    		(6) Belkofski Bay Section: waters between Vodapoini Point and Moss Cape, including Inner and Outer Iliasik Islands, excluding the waters of the Deer Island Section;  
    		(7) Volcano Bay Section: waters between Moss Cape and Arch Point, including Goloi, Dolgoi, and Poperechnoi Islands;  
    		(8) General Section: all remaining waters of the Southwestern District.  
    	(e)  South Central District: waters on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula north and east of a line extending 106_ from Arch Point Light (55_ 12.30' N. lat., 161_ 54.30' W. long.) and west of a line extending south from McGinty Point (55_ 27.37' N. lat., 160_ 59.00' W. long.), including Ukolnoi and Wosnesenski Islands;  
    		(1) West Pavlof Bay Section: waters of the South Central District west of 161_ 34.00' W. long.;  
    		(2) East Pavlof Bay Section: waters of the South Central District east of 161_ 34.00' W. long., excluding the Canoe Bay and Mino Creek-Little Coal Bay Sections;  
    		(3) Canoe Bay Section: waters of Canoe Bay enclosed by a line from a point at 55_ 35.55' N. lat., 161_ 21.60' W. long. to a point at 55_ 35.65' N. lat., 161_ 21.80' W. long.;  
    		(4) Mino Creek-Little Coal Bay Section: waters of the South Central District, excluding those of the West and East Pavlof Bay and Canoe Bay Sections, between the longitude of McGinty Point (160_ 59.00' W. long.) and the longitude of Cape Tolstoi (161_ 30.00' W. long.).  
    	(f)  Southeastern District: waters on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula east of a line extending south from McGinty Point (55_ 27.37' N. lat., 160_ 59.00' W. long.) and west of a line extending 135_ from Kupreanof Point (55_ 33.98' N. lat., 159_ 35.88' W. long.), including all of the Shumagin Islands;  
    		(1) Beaver Bay Section: waters of the Southeastern District east of the longitude of McGinty Point (160_ 59.00' W. long.), west of 160_ 49.00' W. long., and north of 55_ 26.00' N. lat.;  
    		(2) Balboa Bay Section: waters of the Southeastern District east of 160_ 49.00' W. long., north of 55_ 26.00' N. lat., and west of the longitude of Swedania Point (160_ 31.50' W. long.);  
    		(3) Shumagin Islands Section: waters of the Southeastern District east of the longitude of McGinty Point (160_ 59.00' W. long.), west of a line extending 135_ from Kupreanof Point (55_ 33.98' N. lat., 159_ 35.88' W. long.), south of a line from 55_ 26.00' N. lat., 160_ 31.50' W. long., to 55_ 32.20' N. lat., 160_ 02.60' W. long. (approximately one nautical mile north of Karpa Island), and east to the Alaska Peninsula Area boundary (a line extending 135_ from Kupreanof Point), excluding the Beaver Bay, Balboa Bay, and Southwest Stepovak Sections;  
    		(4) Southwest Stepovak Section: waters of the Southeastern District south of the latitude of 55_ 37.33' N. lat., west of 159_ 52.00' W. long., north of the Shumagin Islands Section, and east of the Balboa Bay Section;  
    		(5) Northwest Stepovak Section: waters of the Southeastern District north of 55_ 37.33' N. lat. and west of the longitude of Dent Point (159_ 52.00' W. long.);  
    		(6) Stepovak Flats Section: waters of the Southeastern District north of 55_ 48.20' N. lat. and east of the longitude of Dent Point (159_ 52.00' W. long.);  
    		(7) East Stepovak Section: waters of the Southeastern District south of 55_ 48.20' N. lat., east of the longitude of Dent Point (159_ 52.00' W. long.), north of 55_ 32.20' N. lat., and west of a line extending 135_ from Kupreanof Point (55_ 33.98' N. lat., 159_ 35.88' W. long.).  




AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1985; am 5/11/85, Register 94; am 6/2/88, Register 106; am 6/9/90, Register 114; am 5/28/92, Register 122; am 5/17/95, Register 134; am 10/11/95, Register 136; am 4/18/96, Register 138; am 5/31/98, Register 146; am 6/22/2001, Register 158; am 6/4/2004, Register 170; am 5/30/2007, Register 182