Section 5.09.330. Gear.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  In the Northern District, salmon may be taken in the  
    		(1) Cinder River Section: with drift gillnets or set gillnets only;  
    		(2) Inner Port Heiden Section: with drift gillnets or set gillnets only;  
    		(3) Ilnik Section: with drift gillnets or set gillnets only;  
    		(4) Three Hills Section: with drift gillnets only;  
    		(5) Bear River Section: with drift gillnets, purse seines, and hand purse seines;  
    		(6) Port Moller Bight Section: with drift gillnets, set gillnets, purse seines, and hand purse seines;  
    		(7) Herendeen-Moller Bay Section: with drift gillnets, set gillnets, purse seines, and hand purse seines;  
    		(8) Nelson Lagoon Section: with drift gillnets or set gillnets;  
    		(9) Black Hills Section: with drift gillnets or set gillnets only;  
    		(10) Outer Port Heiden Section: with drift gillnets only.  
    	(b)  In the Northwestern District, salmon may be taken with drift gillnets, set gillnets, purse seines, and hand purse seines.  
    	(c)  In the Unimak District, salmon may be taken with drift gillnets, set gillnets, purse seines, and hand purse seines. Salmon may be taken by gillnet gear during periods when the seine fishery is closed by emergency order due to the presence of immature salmon.  
    	(d)  In the Southwestern District, salmon may be taken only with purse seines, hand purse seines, and set gillnets, except that  
    		(1) salmon may also be taken with drift gillnets  
    			(A) in the waters of the Ikatan Bay Section west of a line from Kenmore Head to Hague Rocks to the easternmost tip of the Sanak Islands;  
    			(B) from June 1 through June 30, in the waters  
    				(i) south and east of a line from Cape Pankof Light at 54_ 39.60' N. lat., 163_ 03.70' W. long., to Thin Point at 54_ 57.32' N. lat., 162_ 33.50' W. long.; and  
    				(ii) south of a line from Thin Point at 54_ 57.32' N. lat., 162_ 33.50' W. long., to the northernmost tip of Stag Point at 54_ 59.10' N. lat., 162_ 18.10' W. long., on Deer Island to the southernmost tip of Dolgoi Cape at 55_ 03.15' N. lat., 161_ 44.35' W. long., on Dolgoi Island and south of the latitude of the northeastern tip of Dolgoi Island at 55_ 07.50' N. lat., 161_ 38.30' W. long.;  
    		(2) repealed 3/19/78;  
    		(3) salmon may be taken by gillnet gear during periods when the seine fishery is closed by emergency order due to the presence of immature salmon.  
    	(e)  In the South Central District, salmon may be taken with set gillnets, purse seines, and hand purse seines, except that  
    		(1) repealed 3/19/78;  
    		(2) within Canoe Bay, salmon may be taken only with purse seines and hand purse seines;  
    		(3) repealed 6/2/88;  
    		(4) salmon may be taken by set gillnet gear during periods when the seine fishery is closed by emergency order due to the presence of immature salmon.  
    	(f)  In the Southeastern District, salmon may be taken only with set gillnets, purse seines, and hand purse seines, except that  
    		(1) salmon may be taken only with purse seines and hand purse seines in the area between Popof Head and Dark Cliffs (Popof Island) from June 1 through August 31; however, salmon may be taken by set gillnet during periods when the seine fishery is closed by emergency order due to the presence of immature salmon;  
    		(2) repealed 3/19/78;  
    		(3) salmon may be taken only with set gillnets from June 1 through July 10 in the Beaver Bay, Balboa Bay, Southwest Stepovak, Northwest Stepovak, Stepovak Flats, and East Stepovak Sections; however, if the department determines that the Orzinski Lake sockeye salmon escapement objectives have been exceeded as described in 5 AAC 09.360(k), beginning July 1, in addition to set gillnet gear, the commissioner may open, by emergency order, the waters of Orzinski Bay west of 160_ 04.25' W. long. to fishing with purse seine and hand purse seine gear;  
    		(4) salmon may be taken by set gillnet during periods when the seine fishery is closed by emergency order due to presence of immature salmon.  
    	(g)  Notwithstanding 5 AAC 39.240, a CFEC set gillnet permit holder may use a registered salmon fishing vessel, when it has set gillnet gear on board, to tow another registered salmon fishing vessel with set gillnet gear on board if the permit holder for the vessel being towed is on board one of the vessels.   





5 AAC 09.360
AS 16.05.060 AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1988; am 6/2/88, Register 106; am 6/9/90, Register 114; am 5/28/92, Register 122; am 10/11/95, Register 136; am 6/11/2005, Register 174; am 5/30/2007, Register 182; am 6/1/2013, Register 206