Section 5.21.200. Fishing districts, subdistricts, and sections.  

Latest version.
  • 	(a)  Northern District: north of a line extending from Boulder Point at 60_ 46.39' N. lat., to Shell Platform C, then to a point on the west shore at 60_ 46.39' N. lat.  
    		(1) Eastern Subdistrict: all waters south of the latitude of Point Possession, north of the latitude of Boulder Point, and east of a line from Shell Platform C to a point at 61_ 02.67' N. lat., 150_ 40.00' W. long.;  
    		(2) General Subdistrict: all waters of the Northern District not specified in (1) of this subsection.  
    	(b)  Central District: all waters between a line extending from Boulder Point at 60_ 46.39' N. lat., to Shell Platform C, to a point on the west shore at 60_ 46.39' N. lat., and the latitude of Anchor Point Light (59_ 46.15' N. lat.)  
    		(1) Kustatan Subdistrict: all waters within a line from the Drift River terminal to the South Kalgin Island Light at 60_ 20.80' N. lat., 152_ 05.09' W. long., northerly along the west side of Kalgin Island to Northwest Point at 60_ 31.25' N. lat., 155_ 55.75' W. long., bearing 43_ to Shell Platform C, to a point on the west shore at 60_ 46.39' N. lat., excluding the waters of the Kalgin Island Subdistrict;  
    		(2) Upper Subdistrict: all waters within a line from Boulder Point to Shell Platform C, then bearing 223_ to Northwest Point at 60_ 31.25' N. lat., 151_ 55.75' W. long., then following the eastern shore of Kalgin Island to the South Kalgin Island Light at 60_ 20.80' N. lat., 152_ 05.09' W. long., then to a point at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 46.60' W. long. to the Ninilchik small boat harbor, excluding the waters of the Kalgin Island Subdistrict;  
    			(A) East Foreland Section: all waters from the northern boundary of the Upper Subdistrict to the latitude of the base of Colliers Dock at 60_ 40.35' N. lat. (the southernmost of the pile-supported docks at Nikiski) and within one nautical mile of the mean high tide mark on the Kenai Peninsula shoreline;  
    			(B) Kenai Section: all waters enclosed by a line from the base of Colliers Dock at 60_ 40.35' N. lat., to a point at 60_ 40.35' N. lat., 151_ 26.33' W. long., to a point at 60_ 27.10' N. lat., 151_ 25.70' W. long., to a point on the beach at 60_ 27.10' N. lat.;  
    			(C) Expanded Kenai Section: all waters enclosed by a line from a point located on the shore at 60_ 40.35' N. lat., 151_ 23.00' W. long., west to a point located at 60_ 40.35' N. lat, 151_ 26.33' W. long., south to a point at the latitude of the Blanchard Line located at 60_ 27.10' N. lat., 151_ 33.76' W. long., and east to a point on the beach at 60_ 27.10' N. lat., 151_ 16.94' W. long.;  
    			(D) Kasilof Section: all waters enclosed by a line from a point on the beach at 60_ 27.10' N. lat., to a point at 60_ 27.10' N. lat., 151_ 25.70' W. long., to a point at 60_ 12.75' N. lat., 151_ 32.05' W. long., to a point at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 46.60' W. long., to an ADF&G regulatory marker located at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 38.90' W. long.;  
    			(E) Expanded Kasilof Section: all waters enclosed by a line from a point on the beach at 60_ 27.10' N. lat., 151_ 16.94' W. long., west to a point at the Blanchard Line located at 60_ 27.10' N. lat., 151_ 33.76' W. long., south to a point located at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 46.60' W. long., and east to an ADF&G regulatory marker located at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 38.90' W. long.;  
    		(3) Kalgin Island Subdistrict: all waters within a line encompassing Kalgin Island within one mile of mean lower low water as delineated by the most recent United States Coast and Geodetic Survey chart number 8553;  
    		(4) Lower Subdistrict: waters between a line extending from Ninilchik small boat harbor to a point at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 46.60' W. long., then to the South Kalgin Light at 60_ 20.80' N. lat., 152_ 05.09' W. long., then bearing 236_ to a point one nautical mile from the bluff on the northwestern shore of Chisik Island at 60_ 10.50' N. lat., 152_ 35.00' W. long., then in a southerly direction one nautical mile seaward of the mean high tide mark to a point at the southern end of the silver salmon setnet area at 59_ 55.67' N. lat., then bearing 270_ to the shore, and the latitude of the Anchor Point Light, excluding the waters of the Chinitna Bay and the Kalgin Island Subdistricts;  
    			(A) Anchor Point Section: all waters enclosed by a line from an ADF&G regulatory marker located at a point on the beach at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 38.90' W. long., west to a point located at 60_ 04.02' N. lat., 151_ 49.00' W. long., south to a point located at 59_ 46.15' N. lat., 152_ 15.80' W. long., and east to a point on shore at 59_ 46.15' N. lat., 151_ 52.06' W. long.;  
    		(5) Western Subdistrict: waters within a line from the Drift River terminal to the South Kalgin Light at 60_ 20.80' N. lat., 152_ 05.09' W. long., then bearing 236_ to a point one nautical mile from the bluff on the northeast shore of Chisik Island at 60_ 10.50' N. lat., 152_ 35.00' W. long., then in a southerly direction one nautical mile seaward of the mean high tide mark to a point of the southern end of the silver salmon setnet area at 59_ 55.67' N. lat., then bearing 270_ to the shore, excluding the waters of the Kalgin Island Subdistrict;  
    		(6) Chinitna Bay Subdistrict: all waters in Chinitna Bay west of a line from Spring Point to Sea Otter Point.  
    	(c)  Repealed 5/31/72.  
    	(d)  Southern District: all waters enclosed by a line from Anchor Point Light west to 59_ 46.15' N. lat., 152_ 20.00' W. long., then south to 59_ 03.42' N. lat., 152_ 20.00' W. long., then in a northeasterly direction to the tip of Cape Elizabeth at 59_ 09.35' N. lat., 151_ 53.13' W. long., then from the tip of Cape Elizabeth to the tip of Point Adam at 59_ 15.31' N. lat., 151_ 58.68' W. long.  
    		(1) Port Graham Subdistrict: all waters east of the longitude of Point Bede at 151_ 59.40' W. long., and south of the latitude of Point Pogibshi at 59_ 25.47' N. lat.;  
    		(2) Seldovia Bay Subdistrict: all waters southeast of a line from Point Naskowhak at 59_ 27.22' N. lat., 151_ 44.56' W. long., to 59_ 27.37' N. lat., 151_ 44.63' W. long., to Seldovia Point at 59_ 28.22' N. lat., 151_ 42.37' W. long.;  
    		(3) Barabara Creek Subdistrict: all waters between the longitudes of Seldovia Point at 59_ 28.22' N. lat., 151_ 42.37' W. long., and Nubble Point at 59_ 29.15' N. lat., 151_ 34.15' W. long., and south of 59_ 30.00' N. lat.;  
    		(4) Tutka Bay Subdistrict: all waters east of the longitude of Nubble Point and south of the latitude of Anisom Point on the eastern shore of Eldred Passage at 59_ 32.07' N. lat., 151_ 27.00' W. long., including Kasitsna Bay;  
    		(5) Humpy Creek Subdistrict: all waters east of a line from a point on Glacier Spit at 59_ 38.00' N. lat., 151_ 12.10' W. long., to the Northshore Subdistrict line at 59_ 38.00' N. lat., 151_ 19.70' W. long., and southeast of a line from that point on the Northshore Subdistrict line at 59_ 38.00' N. lat., 151_ 19.70' W. long., to a point north of Chugachik Island at 59_ 45.00' N. lat., 151_ 02.80' W. long., to a point on the mainland at 59_ 44.50' N. lat., 151_ 02.10' W. long.;  
    		(6) Northshore Subdistrict: all waters north of a line from Coal Point at 59_ 36.00' N. lat., 151_ 24.50' W. long., to a point north of Chugachik Island at 59_ 45.00' N. lat., 151_ 02.80' W. long., then northwesterly to a point one-half statute mile southwest of the terminus of Swift Creek at 59_ 47.15' N. lat., 151_ 05.45' W. long.;  
    		(7) China Poot Subdistrict: all waters south of a line from Peterson Point at 59_ 35.67' N. lat., 151_ 16.70' W. long., to Coal Point on the tip of the Homer Spit at 59_ 36.00' N. lat., 151_ 24.50' W. long., to 59_ 32.07' N. lat., 151_ 33.09' W. long., to Anisom Point;  
    		(8) Halibut Cove Subdistrict: all waters within a line from a point on Glacier Spit at 59_ 38.00' N. lat., 151_ 12.10' W. long., to the intersection of the Northshore Subdistrict line at 59_ 38.00' N. lat., 151_ 19.70' W. long., to Coal Point to Peterson Point.  
    	(e)  Kamishak Bay District: all waters enclosed by a line from 59_ 46.15' N. lat., 153_ 00.70' W. long., then east to 59_ 46.15' N. lat., 152_ 20.00' W. long., then south to 59_ 03.42' N. lat., 152_ 20.00' W. long., then southwesterly to Cape Douglas (58_ 51.10' N. lat.)  
    		(1) Iniskin Bay Subdistrict: all waters north of a line from a point on the east shore of Iniskin Bay near Scott Island at 59_ 38.59' N. lat., 153_ 25.50' W. long., to a point on North Head at 59_ 37.89' N. lat., 153_ 33.40' W. long.;  
    		(2) Cottonwood Bay Subdistrict: all waters west of a line from South Head north to a point at 59_ 37.89' N. lat., 153_ 33.40' W. long.;  
    		(3) Ursus Cove Subdistrict: all waters west of the longitude of Ursus Head and north of 59_ 28.09' N. lat.;  
    		(4) Rocky Cove Subdistrict: all waters between 59_ 28.09' N. lat. and 59_ 25.00' N. lat., and west of 153_ 40.00' W. long., to the longitude of an unnamed creek between Fortification Bluff and Step Mountain at 153_ 46.40' W. long.;  
    		(5) Bruin Bay Subdistrict: all waters enclosed by a line extending from the longitude of an unnamed creek at 153_ 46.40' W. long., south to the latitude of a point offshore at 59_ 25.00' N. lat., east to 153_ 40.00' W. long., then south to 59_ 20.00' N. lat., and west to a point south of Contact Point at 154_ 01.00' W. long.;  
    		(6) Kamishak River Subdistrict: all waters east of a line from McNeil Head at 59_ 07.30' N. lat., 154_ 10.54' W. long., to the mushroom islet at 59_ 07.59' N. lat., 154_ 09.50' W. long., to the northern tip of Nordyke Island at 59_ 10.92' N. lat., 154_ 05.50' W. long., south of the latitude of the northern tip of Nordyke Island, and west of 153_ 50.00' W. long.;  
    		(7) McNeil River Subdistrict: all waters southwest of a line from McNeil Head to a point of land at 59_ 09.50' N. lat., 154_ 12.75' W. long.;  
    		(8) Chenik Subdistrict: all waters between 59_ 20.00' N. lat. and the latitude of the northern tip of Nordyke Island at 59_ 10.92' N. lat., 154_ 05.50' W. long., and west of 153_ 40.00' W. long.;  
    		(9) Paint River Subdistrict: all waters south of the latitude of the northern tip of Nordyke Island at 59_ 10.92' N. lat., 154_ 05.50' W. long., west of a line from the northern tip of Nordyke Island to the mushroom islet at 59_ 07.59' N. lat., 154_ 09.50' W. long., to McNeil Head, and east of a line from McNeil Head to a point of land at 59_ 09.50' N. lat., 154_ 12.75' W. long.;  
    		(10) Douglas River Subdistrict: all waters west of the longitude of Cape Douglas (153_ 15.07' W. long.), south of the latitude of the northern tip of Nordyke Island at 59_ 10.92' N. lat., 154_ 05.50' W. long., and east of 153_ 50.00' W. long.  
    	(f)  Barren Island District: all waters enclosed by a line from Cape Douglas (58_ 51.10' N. lat.) to the tip of Cape Elizabeth at 59_ 09.35' N. lat., 151_ 53.13' W. long., then south to 58_ 51.10' N. lat., 151_ 53.13' W. long., then west to Cape Douglas.  
    	(g)  Outer District: all waters enclosed by a line from the tip of Point Adam to the tip of Cape Elizabeth, then south to 58_ 51.10' N. lat., 151_ 53.13' W. long., then east to the longitude of Aligo Point (149_ 44.47' W. long.), then north to the tip of Aligo Point  
    		(1) Koyuktolik Subdistrict: all waters east of the longitude of Point Adam and north of 59_ 13.92' N. lat.;  
    		(2) Port Chatham Subdistrict: all waters north of 59_ 10.00' N. lat., and east of 151_ 50.00' W. long.;  
    		(3) Windy Bay Subdistrict: all waters west of a line from 59_ 12.60' N. lat., 151_ 27.60' W. long., to 59_ 14.05' N. lat., 151_ 26.70' W. long.;  
    		(4) Rocky Bay Subdistrict: all waters north of a line from 59_ 14.05' N. lat., 151_ 26.70' W. long., to 59_ 12.77' N. lat., 151_ 19.30' W. long.;  
    			(A) Scurvey Creek Section: all waters northwest of a line from 59_ 14.05' N. lat., 151_ 26.70' W. long., to a point on the southwest corner of Picnic Harbor at 59_ 14.95' N. lat., 151_ 25.10' W. long.;  
    		(5) Port Dick Subdistrict: all waters of Port Dick north of 59_ 13.20' N. lat.;  
    			(A) Port Dick Headend Section: all waters of Port Dick west of 151_ 15.00' W. long.;  
    			(B) Port Dick Middle Creek Section: all waters of Port Dick west of 151_ 10.50' W. long. to the Port Dick Headend Section boundary at 151_ 15.00' W. long.;  
    			(C) Port Dick Island Creek Section: all waters of Port Dick west of a line between 59_ 13.30' N. lat., 151_ 06.10' W. long. and 59_ 16.20' N. lat., 151_ 05.20' W. long. to the Port Dick Middle Creek Section boundary at 151_ 10.50' W. long.;  
    			(D) Outer Port Dick Section: all waters of Port Dick north of 59_ 13.20' N. lat. to the Port Dick Island Creek Section boundary at a line between 59_ 15.30' N. lat., 151_ 06.10' W. long. and 59_ 16.20' N. lat., 151_ 05.20' W. long.;  
    		(6) Nuka Island Subdistrict: all waters of Nuka Passage north of a line from Front Point to Nuka Point and south of the latitude of Hardover Point;  
    		(7) East Nuka Subdistrict: all waters of the East Arm of Nuka Bay north of the latitude of Harrington Point.  
    	(h)  Eastern District: all waters east of the longitude of Aligo Point (149_ 44.47' W. long.), west of the longitude of Cape Fairfield (148_ 50.25' W. long.), and north of 58_ 51.10'  N. lat.  
    		(1) Aialik Bay Subdistrict: all waters north of a line from Aligo Point to Aialik Cape;  
    		(2) Resurrection Bay Subdistrict: all waters north of the latitude of Caines Head (59_ 58.94' N. lat.).  




AS 16.05.251
In effect before 1985; am 5/11/85, Register 94; am 4/18/86, Register 98; am 3/29/87, Register 101; am 6/10/89, Register 110; em am 4/30/91 - 5/30/91, Register 118 [not printed]; am 7/21/91, Register 119; am 4/7/93, Register 126; am 5/31/96, Register 138; am 6/13/99, Register 150; am 8/8/99, Register 151; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 6/30/2002, Register 162; am 8/8/2003, Register 167; am 6/11/2005, Register 174; am 3/2/2011, Register 197; am 5/21/2011, Register 198; am 6/12/2011, Register 198; am 3/22/2014, Register 209; am 5/18/2014, Register 210